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Forum Suggestion (Thanks)


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My suggestion is for the forum: to add a button on every post which says "Thanks". Everytime somebody finds a post useful, they hit the "Thanks" button. Then the user under their name somewhere, it says how many "Thanks" they have gotten in total. And under every post, it says how many thanks it's gotten and it displays the names of the people who have thanked the user for the post. If you want an example, I could screenshot this feature which is used on another community forum and post it here.

Hope it's possible and that you agree with my suggestion.



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I got some screenshots from another forum in order to show you guys an example. This would be at the bottom of the post, under the poster's signature.

Note: The first picture cuts off the "Thanks" button on the right so to view the full image, click here http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/2323/epvp1.png


The button to give thanks to the person for the post.

One person has already given thanks in the image above.

On this other picture below, now I clicked the thanks button.

Note: This picture is also cut off on the right, but the thanks button dissapears, that's pretty much it. To view it click http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/3526/epvp2.png anyway.


Hope you guys like it. :mrgreen:

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