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Help Please in Welcome Msg


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Hi All i start Script dont work :(

col = {} 
col.black = tocolor(0,0,0,200) 
col.npctitle = tocolor(142,196,131,255) 
newsMsg = { 
"آهلا بكم في سيرفر كلآن هآو", 
"سجل في السيرفر ليتم حفظ نقآطك", 
text = newsMsg[1] 
local start = getTickCount() 
function drawInfoBox() 
 dxDrawText(test, 10,sh-20,sw,sh,col.npctitle, 1,"default")]] 
local now = getTickCount() 
 local time = now - start 
  local scale = 0.6 
  local font = "bankgothic" 
 local duration = 30000 
 local width = dxGetTextWidth(text, scale, font) 
 dxDrawRectangle(0, sh-24, sw, sh, col.black) 
  if time > duration then 
  start = now 
    text = newsMsg[math.random(1, table.getn(newsMsg))] 
 dxDrawText(text, math.mod(time, duration) / duration * (sw + width) - width, sh-20, sw, sh, col.npctitle, scale, font) 
addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", drawInfoBox) 

Please Fix :|

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Where is variable sw,sh this is not full code maybe show full code ?

col = {} 
col.black = tocolor(0,0,0,200) 
col.npctitle = tocolor(142,196,131,255) 
newsMsg = { 
"آهلا بكم في سيرفر كلآن هآو", 
"سجل في السيرفر ليتم حفظ نقآطك", 
text = newsMsg[1] 
local start = getTickCount() 
function drawInfoBox() 
local now = getTickCount() 
 local time = now - start 
  local scale = 0.6 
  local font = "bankgothic" 
 local duration = 30000 
 local width = dxGetTextWidth(text, scale, font) 
 dxDrawRectangle(0, sh-24, sw, sh, col.black) 
  if time > duration then 
  start = now 
    text = newsMsg[math.random(1, table.getn(newsMsg))] 
 dxDrawText(text, math.mod(time, duration) / duration * (sw + width) - width, sh-20, sw, sh, col.npctitle, scale, font) 
addEventHandler("onClientRender",root, drawInfoBox) 

Edited by Guest
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Ok then try this...

col = {} 
col.black = tocolor(0,0,0,200) 
col.npctitle = tocolor(142,196,131,255) 
newsMsg = { 
"آهلا بكم في سيرفر كلآن هآو", 
"سجل في السيرفر ليتم حفظ نقآطك", 
text = newsMsg[1] 
local start = getTickCount() 
function drawInfoBox() 
local now = getTickCount() 
 local time = now - start 
  local scale = 0.6 
  local font = "bankgothic" 
 local duration = 30000 
 local width = dxGetTextWidth(text, scale, font) 
 dxDrawRectangle(0, sh-24, sw, sh, col.black) 
  if time > duration then 
  start = now 
    text = newsMsg[math.random(1, table.getn(newsMsg))] 
 dxDrawText(text, math.mod(time, duration) / duration * (sw + width) - width, sh-20, sw, sh, col.npctitle, scale, font) 
addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", drawInfoBox) 

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Number one you wouldnt use on client resource start, It would have to be onplayer join. Which is server side. He's using on client pre render, So when you download all the files, the first thing you will see is that message.

Thats why ;) But a good shot at it capy, Your getting better and off topic, Sorry about before...

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