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Would the following work instead of its respective other?

if (type(t1) or type(y2)) ~= "table" then 
--instead of... 
if type(t1) ~= "table" or type(y2)~="table" then 
--be the same? 


if method ==("ceil" or "floor") 
--instead of... 
if (method == "ceil" or method == "floor") 
--be the same? 

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The LUA users wiki states it pretty well:

If the first argument is not false or nil it is returned, otherwise the second argument is returned. So, a boolean is only returned if the first argument is true or the second argument is a boolean.

So as far as your first snippet of code goes, only the second one would work properly.

Also, for your second snippet of code, only the second would work properly.

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