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I'm making a skin saver thingy for my server ( /saveskin slot) and I was thinking.. save it in an xml client side or save it in mysql server side?

Player happiness -

Basically, client side is good cause you can back it up, in my server you must log in/register and if you lose your account everything (LIKE ALL USERDATA) is gone ( unless I move it ;) )..

Latency -

If 100 people are on my server, and each person saves 500 skins, would that cause a lag to the server or result in an increase of filesize (i'm not 100% sure how db's work in mysql, i just know enough to work with it)? I don't want 500 long lost players to lag the server.

Security -

Is it safer to store c-side or s-side?

What do you think? I need help :mrgreen:

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I say you should store the data in using mysql, it's faster than file/xml storage, it can hold enormous amount of data and there's almost no lag even when the DB is huge. Don't even think about storing important data clientside. It's my understanding that this is not safe and hackers can somehow change their client scripts.

Also, what if the client reinstalls MTA? His data will be lost forever.

As an MTA developer once said, Clientside should only be used for the cosmetic part of a script.

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