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GUI Compatible Screen


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  • 7 months later...

To make a gui element working in the same place in the screen but working for all resolutions only use:

(posX/resolutionWidth)*xguiGetScreenSizeVariable, (posY/resolutionHeight)*yguiGetScreenSizeVariable, (width/resolutionWidth)*xguiGetScreenSizeVariable, (height/resolutionHeight)*yguiGetScreenSizeVariable 

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Then let me help them.

There's 2 types of GUI's:

Absolute and Relative.

I recommend using relative for beginners and absolute for advanced scripters.

For example:

guiCreateStaticImage ( float x, float y, float width, float height, string path, bool relative, [element parent = nil] ) 

Float x = integer ( number ( 0-9999 ) ), represents a position of window in X units.

Float y = integer ( number ( 0-9999 ) ), represent a position of GUI element in Y units.

Float width = integer ( number ( 0-9999 ) ), represents the size of GUI element.

Example: <-------------------------------------->

Float height = integer ( number ( 0-9999 ) ), represents the size of GUI element.










string = "blablabla", "", ' ', basically quotes.

bool = true and false

element parent = nil - this is an optional argument.

nil = represents nothing

Example of usage:

guiCreateStaticImage( 0.20, 0.200, 0.100, 0.100, "imagename.png",true ) 

Relative GUI's has to contain decimals in integers, while Absolute ones don't.

For having accurate absolute GUI's, simply use this:

local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() 
    local windowWidth, windowHeight = 800, 600 
    local left = screenWidth/2 - windowWidth/2 
    local top = screenHeight/2 - windowHeight/2 

Apologises for mistakes, I'm in rush.

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Then let me help them.

There's 2 types of GUI's:

Absolute and Relative.

I recommend using relative for beginners and absolute for advanced scripters.

For example:

guiCreateStaticImage ( float x, float y, float width, float height, string path, bool relative, [element parent = nil] ) 

Float x = integer ( number ( 0-9999 ) ), represents a position of window in X units.

Float y = integer ( number ( 0-9999 ) ), represent a position of GUI element in Y units.

Float width = integer ( number ( 0-9999 ) ), represents the size of GUI element.

Example: <-------------------------------------->

Float height = integer ( number ( 0-9999 ) ), represents the size of GUI element.










string = "blablabla", "", ' ', basically quotes.

bool = true and false

element parent = nil - this is an optional argument.

nil = represents nothing

Example of usage:

guiCreateStaticImage( 0.20, 0.200, 0.100, 0.100, "imagename.png",true ) 

Relative GUI's has to contain decimals in integers, while Absolute ones don't.

For having accurate absolute GUI's, simply use this:

local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() 
    local windowWidth, windowHeight = 800, 600 
    local left = screenWidth/2 - windowWidth/2 
    local top = screenHeight/2 - windowHeight/2 

Apologises for mistakes, I'm in rush.

I recommend using relative for beginners and absolute for advanced scripters. Same thing...

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Same thing...

Absolute GUI elements are NOT always correct on all resolutions while relative ones are.

I know. But what you said isn't about what I said... I said "Same thing..." about "I recommend relative for begginers and absolute for advanceds".

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