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math.random issue [Solved]

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Hi. I'm back! Really getting hooked on scripting Lua ;)

Well, my new problem is a math.random, problem. When I try to get the value of my randMoney, I ALWAYS get a nil value.

I am not sure what I am doing wrong, because of my other math.random works just fine.

Anyways.. Here is the script. Hope someone can help me out on this one :lol:

function drugRunner (thePlayer, command) 
    local randDrugMarker = { 
    local randDrugMoneyGet = math.random(50,500) 
local randomX, randomY, randomZ = unpack(randDrugMarker[math.random(#randDrugMarker)]) 
local theDrugMarker = createMarker ( randomX, randomY, randomZ, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 170 ) 
local randMoney = unpack(randDrugMoneyGet[math.random(#randDrugMoneyGet)]) 
function markerHit ( thePlayer ) 
    if(randMoney) then 
            outputChatBox ("The Number Is:" .. tostring(randMoney)) 
            outputChatBox ("Value is nil!") 
addCommandHandler("drugrun", drugRunner) 
addCommandHandler("a", markerHit) 

Edited by Guest
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Your code is a bit weird.... try this:

local randDrugMarker = { 
function drugRunner (thePlayer, command) 
local randomX, randomY, randomZ = unpack(randDrugMarker[math.random(#randDrugMarker)]) 
local theDrugMarker = createMarker ( randomX, randomY, randomZ, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 170 ) 
addCommandHandler("drugrun", drugRunner) 
function markerHit ( thePlayer ) 
local randMoney = math.random(50,500) 
    if(randMoney) then 
    outputChatBox ("The Number Is:" .. tostring(randMoney)) 
    outputChatBox ("Value is nil!") 
addCommandHandler("a", markerHit) 

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local randDrugMoneyGet = math.random(50,500) 
local randMoney = unpack(randDrugMoneyGet[math.random(#randDrugMoneyGet)]) 

I don't understand what you want to do with the randMoney variable , seems like you are trying to get a random from randDrugMoneyGet which is impossible because its an integer not a table.

randDrugMoneyGet is an integer ranging between 50 and 500.

maybe explain what you want with randMoney.

you should do the following:

local randMoney = math.random(50,500) 

EDIT: iam too late :D



How come that randDrugMarker is outside the function, when randMoney is inside the function?

randDrugMarker have nothing to do with randMoney.

randDrugMarker is the coordinates of the marker randMoney is the random money.

And dont double post.

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