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New--------->German-Fun-Roleplay <-----------New


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New--------->German-Fun-Roleplay <-----------New

German Fun Roleplay

Good day,

I want to write something about our GTA San Andreas server (multiplayer) and convince you to stop by our server time.

We are a newly opened server grade and are looking for active members. You still have a chance to lead many political groups. The script has been changed from German Fun real life but even to 30% of us not be surprised if you know what happens;)

a WBB3 Forum

a powerful server, the game takes you first class comfort

a very user friendly, active and experienced team

of course its own Teamspeak server on the ³ we are active every day

a welcoming friendly community

many great features of which a fraction are discussed in this thread

Many shops with own vehicle specializations (Lowrider, beginner cars, sports cars, motorbikes, boats ...)

Save a tuning system trip, your favorite easy in the garage and Tunes' on it happening. It is saved!

If an account is present, the salary is paid into your account, if not a bar to his hand.

Each user gets his own house (which, if available)

Much of the information (eg price tags) inserted by 3D text label

Itemshop in each 24 / 7 for purchase of equipment (knives, baseball bats, camera, stick, billiard cue ,...)

The bank in LosSantos can be attacked, but the looting is not as extreme high

Paintball Arena where you can let out really sleep the sow that always brings back fun and then are often many other great things to do, anyone can suggest what and the nights are very long and amusing

You get a motorcycle helmet on his head set, if one goes on about motorcycles


San Andreas Police Department

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Bundeswehr (Closed)

Official Rules

Rescue (Leader Course Free)

Driving School (Course Leader Free)

CNN News (Course Leader Free)




La Cosa Nostra

Grove Street Families

V.L. Aztecas

LA Chickas (Leader Course Free)


Los Santos Vagos

Rollin 'Heights Ballas

Russian Mafia

Our team consists of 2 server owner, 3 suport a mapper, a scripter and a 1 Admin We are currently looking for supporters to us will also help einwenig. However, you must then also meet the requirements. You can find those in our forum. If interested, please, we would appreciate any gain.

This is a German & English Server



HomePage: http://www.german-fun-roleplay.de

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