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Headshot Sound Effect

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im trying to combine the code where if you shoot the head its a one hit kill with another code that plays a sound whenever you get a headshot kill but i dont exactly know how to combine them can someone give me a hand?

this one

function headShot(attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss) 
 if (bodypart == 9) then 
  killPed(source, attacker, weapon, bodypart)  
  if (weapon == 25) or (weapon == 26) or (weapon == 27) then--//Åñëå âûñòðåë èç äðîáîâèêîâ òî, ñðûâàåì ãîëîâó. 
   setPedHeadless(source, true)  
addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), headShot) 

combined with this

function startMySound() 
    sound = playSound( "headshot.mp3", false ) 
addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource() ), startMySound ) 

ive edited the second one to try and fit the needs for combining but i dont know if im doing it right at all...

i want to try and get it right the first time cause i rarely have anyone on my server so i can test stuff like this...

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--server side code (define type="server" in meta.xml)

function headShot(attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss) 
 if (bodypart == 9) then 
  killPed(source, attacker, weapon, bodypart) 
  if (weapon == 25) or (weapon == 26) or (weapon == 27) then--//Åñëå âûñòðåë èç äðîáîâèêîâ òî, ñðûâàåì ãîëîâó. 
   setPedHeadless(source, true) 
addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), headShot) 

--client side code (define type="client" in meta.xml)

function () 
sound = playSound( "headshot.mp3", false ) 

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ok so what i did was made two .lua files and put the 1st code on one file and the second code on the other file. then i created a meta.xml file and got this

    <info gamemodes="gang" type="script" name="killsounds" author="blurryshadow1" version="1.0.0" description="killsounds" /> 
    <script src="headshot.lua" type="server" /> 
    <script src="headshot2.lua" type="client" /> 
    <file src="headshot.mp3" /> 

i did it right?

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ah ok.... well the only thing left to do now is test it. to know for sure if it works... looks like ill have to wait awhile for someone to join.. :|

use zombie script

ahh oh yea your right!!! thanks... now i dont have to keep asking people haha..

edit: nvm it doesnt work on the zombies...

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