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help with killmessages


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please help I want to do that after a knife displays.

but script not work :?

function ZombieKillmessage(ammo, attacker, weapon, bodypart) 
if ( weapon == 4 ) then 
      local sourceTeam,killerTeam = getPlayerTeam(source),getPlayerTeam(killer) 
      local rK,gK,bK = getPlayerNametagColor(killer) 
      local rS,gS,bS = getPlayerNametagColor(source) 

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help please :(

may be problem in outputMessage

use debug no errors

function ZombieKillmessage(ammo, attacker, weapon, bodypart) 
if ( weapon == 4 ) then 
      local sourceTeam,killerTeam = getPlayerTeam(source),getPlayerTeam(attacker) 
      local rK,gK,bK = getPlayerNametagColor(attacker) 
      local rS,gS,bS = getPlayerNametagColor(source) 

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volk-rus i dont know if someone tell you this before, but you can not make a script by copying random parts of other people code...

i mean this


it is a copy, paste from the link Citizen give you, and you even dont know whot this code do (not many people know, as there is no wiki page for killmessages)

i see at lest two errors in youre cod ("use debug no errors" my ass)

function ZombieKillmessage(ammo, attacker, weapon, bodypart) 

"ammo" contains "atacker"

"atacker" contains "weapon"

"weapon" contains " bodypart"

" bodypart" contains hp loss


also you use "waffe" that is not define in you're script (waffe means weapon in german)


first parameter is "tekst" and it can be a string or a table, second parameter is "visible for" and it can be ane player, or root element for all players, last parameters are "red","green","blue"

in the table {"padding",width=3} is a 3 pixel space, rest should be obvious

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volk-rus i dont know if someone tell you this before, but you can not make a script by copying random parts of other people code...

i mean this


it is a copy, paste from the link Citizen give you, and you even dont know whot this code do (not many people know, as there is no wiki page for killmessages)

i see at lest two errors in youre cod ("use debug no errors" my ass)

function ZombieKillmessage(ammo, attacker, weapon, bodypart) 

"ammo" contains "atacker"

"atacker" contains "weapon"

"weapon" contains " bodypart"

" bodypart" contains hp loss


also you use "waffe" that is not define in you're script (waffe means weapon in german)


first parameter is "tekst" and it can be a string or a table, second parameter is "visible for" and it can be ane player, or root element for all players, last parameters are "red","green","blue"

in the table {"padding",width=3} is a 3 pixel space, rest should be obvious

thanks a lot dude, this script is running)

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