default Posted March 9, 2011 Share Posted March 9, 2011 Hello ll aI need Help Please Sorry that I speak bad English But I can put my problem to you through an interpreter: I have a problem in version Capture the Vehicle by BrophY How do I put friendly fire between the players ?? ctv.lua ^^ -- Capture the Vehicle by BrophY©, if you wish to modify, keep copyright notice and credits in the file -- Credits to Talidan, Dragon and Ransom for help and testing local root = getRootElement () local round = 0 addEventHandler('onResourceStart', getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn('Score') table.each(getElementsByType('player'), joinHandler) end ) function joinHandler(player) player = player or source setElementData(player, 'Score', 0) if van then triggerClientEvent(player, 'doSetVan', van) end end addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin', root, joinHandler) addEventHandler('onResourceStop', getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() exports.scoreboard:removeScoreboardColumn('Score') end ) function onCTVMapStart (startedMap) local mapRoot = getResourceRootElement(startedMap) for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType "player") do bindKey ( v, "l", "down", "Toggle vehicle lights" ) end for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType ( "base", mapRoot )) do if getElementData ( v, "team" ) == "team1" then baseTeamb1 = v elseif getElementData ( v, "team" ) == "team2" then baseTeamb2 = v elseif getElementData ( v, "team" ) == "team3" then baseTeamb3 = v elseif getElementData ( v, "team" ) == "team4" then baseTeamb4 = v end end --team1 local team1markerX = getElementData ( baseTeamb1, "markerX" ) local team1markerY = getElementData ( baseTeamb1, "markerY" ) local team1markerZ = getElementData ( baseTeamb1, "markerZ" ) local team1markercolor = getElementData ( baseTeamb1, "markercolor" ) local team1markerblip = getElementData ( baseTeamb1, "blip" ) local team1col1 = gettok ( team1markercolor, 1, 44 ) local team1col2 = gettok ( team1markercolor, 2, 44 ) local team1col3 = gettok ( team1markercolor, 3, 44 ) --team2 local team2markerX = getElementData ( baseTeamb2, "markerX" ) local team2markerY = getElementData ( baseTeamb2, "markerY" ) local team2markerZ = getElementData ( baseTeamb2, "markerZ" ) local team2markercolor = getElementData ( baseTeamb2, "markercolor" ) local team2markerblip = getElementData ( baseTeamb2, "blip" ) local team2col1 = gettok ( team2markercolor, 1, 44 ) local team2col2 = gettok ( team2markercolor, 2, 44 ) local team2col3 = gettok ( team2markercolor, 3, 44 ) --team3 local team3markerX = getElementData ( baseTeamb3, "markerX" ) local team3markerY = getElementData ( baseTeamb3, "markerY" ) local team3markerZ = getElementData ( baseTeamb3, "markerZ" ) local team3markercolor = getElementData ( baseTeamb3, "markercolor" ) local team3markerblip = getElementData ( baseTeamb3, "blip" ) local team3col1 = gettok ( team3markercolor, 1, 44 ) local team3col2 = gettok ( team3markercolor, 2, 44 ) local team3col3 = gettok ( team3markercolor, 3, 44 ) --team4 local team4markerX = getElementData ( baseTeamb4, "markerX" ) local team4markerY = getElementData ( baseTeamb4, "markerY" ) local team4markerZ = getElementData ( baseTeamb4, "markerZ" ) local team4markercolor = getElementData ( baseTeamb4, "markercolor" ) local team4markerblip = getElementData ( baseTeamb4, "blip" ) local team4col1 = gettok ( team4markercolor, 1, 44 ) local team4col2 = gettok ( team4markercolor, 2, 44 ) local team4col3 = gettok ( team4markercolor, 3, 44 ) capture1 = createMarker ( tonumber(team1markerX), tonumber(team1markerY), tonumber(team1markerZ), "cylinder", 4, tonumber(team1col1), tonumber(team1col2), tonumber(team1col3), 127 ) capture2 = createMarker ( tonumber(team2markerX), tonumber(team2markerY), tonumber(team2markerZ), "cylinder", 4, tonumber(team2col1), tonumber(team2col2), tonumber(team2col3), 127 ) capture3 = createMarker ( tonumber(team3markerX), tonumber(team3markerY), tonumber(team3markerZ), "cylinder", 4, tonumber(team3col1), tonumber(team3col2), tonumber(team3col3), 127 ) capture4 = createMarker ( tonumber(team4markerX), tonumber(team4markerY), tonumber(team4markerZ), "cylinder", 4, tonumber(team4col1), tonumber(team4col2), tonumber(team4col3), 127 ) createBlipAttachedTo ( capture1, tonumber(team1markerblip) ) createBlipAttachedTo ( capture2, tonumber(team2markerblip) ) createBlipAttachedTo ( capture3, tonumber(team3markerblip) ) createBlipAttachedTo ( capture4, tonumber(team4markerblip) ) setWeather ( 14 ) setTime ( 5, 30 ) startRound () end function onCtvChat ( message, theType ) if ( theType == 0 ) then cancelEvent() message = string.gsub(message, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") local team = getPlayerTeam" class="kw2">getPlayerTeam" class="kw2">getPlayerTeam ( source ) local bastidName = getPlayerName ( source ) if ( team ) then local r, g, b = getTeamColor ( team ) outputChatBox ( bastidName..":#FFFFFF "..message, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true ) else outputChatBox ( bastidName..": "..message ) end outputServerLog( "CHAT: " .. bastidName .. ": " .. message ) end end function startRound () for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType"vehicle") do --do it for all vehicles besides the target toggleVehicleRespawn(v,true) setVehicleIdleRespawnDelay ( v, 45000 ) setVehicleRespawnDelay ( v, 2500 ) end nextRound() for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType "player") do setElementData(v, 'Score', 0) fadeCamera ( v, false, 1.0, 0, 0, 0 ) setTimer ( fadeCamera, 1000, 1, v, true, 1 ) setTimer ( spawnScreen, 1000, 1, v ) end end function nextRound () round = round + 1 --get a table of all the "target" elements from the .map local allTargets = getElementsByType ( "target" ) --get a random number between 1, and the total number of rows in the table randomVehicle = math.random(1,#allTargets) --call the spawn van function, with the random target element as an argument spawnVan ( allTargets[randomVehicle] ) showTextForAll ( 5000, 0.5, 0.1, 100, 100, 255, 255, 2, "go" ..round.. "*") end function endRound () destroyBlipsAttachedTo ( van ) destroyElement ( van ) destroyElement ( vanMarker ) van = nil setTimer( nextRound, 5000, 1 ) end function spawnVan ( target ) --get the location from the target element local x = getElementData ( target, "posX" ) local y = getElementData ( target, "posY" ) local z = getElementData ( target, "posZ" ) --get the rotation from the target element local rx = getElementData ( target, "rotX" ) local ry = getElementData ( target, "rotY" ) local rz = getElementData ( target, "rotZ" ) --get other stuff local model = getElementData ( target, "model" ) --id local platetext = getElementData ( target, "plate" ) --plate text local colours = getElementData ( target, "colors" ) --colours of vehicle local pj = getElementData ( target, "paintjob" ) --paintjob local upgrades = getElementData ( target, "upgrades" ) --paintjob ---seperate the colours string and get specific colour ids local col1, col2, col3, col4 = colours and colours:match('^(%w+),(%w+),(%w+),(%w+)$') --if any of them are "ran", then make them into a random id if col1 == "ran" or not col1 then col1 = math.random(0,126) end if col2 == "ran" or not col2 then col2 = math.random(0,126) end if col3 == "ran" or not col3 then col3 = math.random(0,126) end if col4 == "ran" or not col4 then col4 = math.random(0,126) end --if any of the rotations are not specified, make them 0 rx = rx or 0 ry = ry or 0 rz = rz or 0 --finally, create the vehicle and define it as van if ( platetext ) then van = createVehicle ( model, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, platetext ) else van = createVehicle ( model, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz ) end setElementHealth(van, 2000) --if a paintjob was specified, add it if ( pj ) then setVehiclePaintjob ( van, pj ) end --if there were any mods if ( upgrades ) then --split the upgrades into a table allUpgrades = split ( upgrades, 44 ) for k,v in ipairs(allUpgrades) do --loop through the table addVehicleUpgrade ( van, v ) --and add each upgrade end end vanMarker = createMarker ( x, y, z, "checkpoint", 1.5, 255, 255, 255, 127 ) attachElements ( vanMarker, van ) createBlipAttachedTo ( van, 55 ) triggerClientEvent('doSetVan', van) end addEvent('onVanDrown', true) addEventHandler('onVanDrown', root, function() if getElementHealth(van) > 250 then blowVehicle(van) triggerEvent('onVehicleExplode', van) end end ) function vehicleExplode () if source == van then showTextForAll ( 5000, 0.5, 0.1, 100, 100, 255, 255, 2, "go" ) endRound() end end function showTextForAll ( ... ) for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do showTextForPlayer ( player, ... ) end end local currDisplay = {} --stores current textdisplay, per player local currTextItem = {} --stores current textitem, per player local currTextItemShadow = {} --stores current textitem shadow, per player local displayTimer = {} --stores timer to remove the current display, per player function removeTextForPlayer ( player ) textDestroyDisplay ( currDisplay[player] ) textDestroyTextItem ( currTextItem[player] ) textDestroyTextItem ( currTextItemShadow[player] ) currDisplay[player] = nil currTextItem[player] = nil if displayTimer[player] then killTimer(displayTimer[player]) displayTimer[player] = nil end end function showTextForPlayer ( player, time, x, y, red, green, blue, alpha, scale, text ) if currDisplay[player] then removeTextForPlayer ( player ) end currDisplay[player] = textCreateDisplay () currTextItemShadow[player] = textCreateTextItem ( text, x + .002, y + .002, "medium", 0, 0, 0, alpha, scale, "center" ) currTextItem[player] = textCreateTextItem ( text, x, y, "medium", red, green, blue, alpha, scale, "center" ) textDisplayAddText ( currDisplay[player], currTextItemShadow[player] ) Link to comment
InDev Posted March 10, 2011 Share Posted March 10, 2011 Use this function to put the friendly fire: setTeamFriendlyFire ( team theTeam , bool friendlyFire ) Link to comment
default Posted March 11, 2011 Author Share Posted March 11, 2011 I want friendly fire false And Where do I put setTeamFriendlyFire (team theTeam, bool friendlyFire) in any file Can I put setTeamFriendlyFire (team theTeam, bool friendlyFire) without changing anything ?? thanx for you Link to comment
Castillo Posted March 11, 2011 Share Posted March 11, 2011 Are you stu*** or what? do you even know the Scripting basics? it's obiously that you must change it... setTeamFriendlyFire(teamElement, false) ... troduction Link to comment
default Posted March 11, 2011 Author Share Posted March 11, 2011 Thank you but I put any setTeamFriendlyFire (teamElement, false) in any file?? At any function Link to comment
default Posted March 11, 2011 Author Share Posted March 11, 2011 You Castillo Script programmer C-panel v1.0 hello your Link to comment
Wojak Posted March 11, 2011 Share Posted March 11, 2011 In the file: ctvspawnscreen.lua in a function: onCTVSpawnMapStart after: varTeam1 = createTeam ( tostring(team1name), team1col1, team1col2, team1col3 ) varTeam2 = createTeam ( tostring(team2name), team2col1, team2col2, team2col3 ) varTeam3 = createTeam ( tostring(team3name), team3col1, team3col2, team3col3 ) varTeam4 = createTeam ( tostring(team4name), team4col1, team4col2, team4col3 ) Link to comment
Castillo Posted March 11, 2011 Share Posted March 11, 2011 King in this world said: Thank you but I put any setTeamFriendlyFire (teamElement, false) in any file?? At any function Is this a joke? Link to comment
default Posted March 11, 2011 Author Share Posted March 11, 2011 Not working,, There is friendly fire I did like what you said to me, but this does not work Thus function onCTVSpawnMapStart (startedMap) local mapRoot = getResourceRootElement(startedMap) setMapName ( "Capture the Vehicle" ) ---get all the base elements ready for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType ( "base", mapRoot )) do if getElementData ( v, "team" ) == "team1" then baseTeam1 = v elseif getElementData ( v, "team" ) == "team2" then baseTeam2 = v elseif getElementData ( v, "team" ) == "team3" then baseTeam3 = v elseif getElementData ( v, "team" ) == "team4" then baseTeam4 = v end end team1name = getElementData ( baseTeam1, "teamName" ) team2name = getElementData ( baseTeam2, "teamName" ) team3name = getElementData ( baseTeam3, "teamName" ) team4name = getElementData ( baseTeam4, "teamName" ) setRuleValue ( "Team 1", "" ..team1name.. "" ) setRuleValue ( "Team 2", "" ..team2name.. "" ) setRuleValue ( "Team 3", "" ..team3name.. "" ) setRuleValue ( "Team 4", "" ..team4name.. "" ) team1color = getElementData ( baseTeam1, "teamColor" ) team1col1 = gettok ( team1color, 1, 44 ) team1col2 = gettok ( team1color, 2, 44 ) team1col3 = gettok ( team1color, 3, 44 ) team2color = getElementData ( baseTeam2, "teamColor" ) team2col1 = gettok ( team2color, 1, 44 ) team2col2 = gettok ( team2color, 2, 44 ) team2col3 = gettok ( team2color, 3, 44 ) team3color = getElementData ( baseTeam3, "teamColor" ) team3col1 = gettok ( team3color, 1, 44 ) team3col2 = gettok ( team3color, 2, 44 ) team3col3 = gettok ( team3color, 3, 44 ) team4color = getElementData ( baseTeam4, "teamColor" ) team4col1 = gettok ( team4color, 1, 44 ) team4col2 = gettok ( team4color, 2, 44 ) team4col3 = gettok ( team4color, 3, 44 ) varTeam1 = createTeam ( tostring(team1name), team1col1, team1col2, team1col3 ) varTeam2 = createTeam ( tostring(team2name), team2col1, team2col2, team2col3 ) varTeam3 = createTeam ( tostring(team3name), team3col1, team3col2, team3col3 ) varTeam4 = createTeam ( tostring(team4name), team4col1, team4col2, team4col3 ) [b]setTeamFriendlyFire(teamElement, false)[/b] bases[varTeam1] = baseTeam1 bases[varTeam2] = baseTeam2 bases[varTeam3] = baseTeam3 bases[varTeam4] = baseTeam4 spawnText () end Link to comment
Castillo Posted March 11, 2011 Share Posted March 11, 2011 Omg, you won't even learn the basics of Scripting! function onCTVSpawnMapStart (startedMap) local mapRoot = getResourceRootElement(startedMap) setMapName ( "Capture the Vehicle" ) ---get all the base elements ready for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType ( "base", mapRoot )) do if getElementData ( v, "team" ) == "team1" then baseTeam1 = v elseif getElementData ( v, "team" ) == "team2" then baseTeam2 = v elseif getElementData ( v, "team" ) == "team3" then baseTeam3 = v elseif getElementData ( v, "team" ) == "team4" then baseTeam4 = v end end team1name = getElementData ( baseTeam1, "teamName" ) team2name = getElementData ( baseTeam2, "teamName" ) team3name = getElementData ( baseTeam3, "teamName" ) team4name = getElementData ( baseTeam4, "teamName" ) setRuleValue ( "Team 1", "" ..team1name.. "" ) setRuleValue ( "Team 2", "" ..team2name.. "" ) setRuleValue ( "Team 3", "" ..team3name.. "" ) setRuleValue ( "Team 4", "" ..team4name.. "" ) team1color = getElementData ( baseTeam1, "teamColor" ) team1col1 = gettok ( team1color, 1, 44 ) team1col2 = gettok ( team1color, 2, 44 ) team1col3 = gettok ( team1color, 3, 44 ) team2color = getElementData ( baseTeam2, "teamColor" ) team2col1 = gettok ( team2color, 1, 44 ) team2col2 = gettok ( team2color, 2, 44 ) team2col3 = gettok ( team2color, 3, 44 ) team3color = getElementData ( baseTeam3, "teamColor" ) team3col1 = gettok ( team3color, 1, 44 ) team3col2 = gettok ( team3color, 2, 44 ) team3col3 = gettok ( team3color, 3, 44 ) team4color = getElementData ( baseTeam4, "teamColor" ) team4col1 = gettok ( team4color, 1, 44 ) team4col2 = gettok ( team4color, 2, 44 ) team4col3 = gettok ( team4color, 3, 44 ) varTeam1 = createTeam ( tostring(team1name), team1col1, team1col2, team1col3 ) varTeam2 = createTeam ( tostring(team2name), team2col1, team2col2, team2col3 ) varTeam3 = createTeam ( tostring(team3name), team3col1, team3col2, team3col3 ) varTeam4 = createTeam ( tostring(team4name), team4col1, team4col2, team4col3 ) setTeamFriendlyFire(varTeam1, false) setTeamFriendlyFire(varTeam2, false) setTeamFriendlyFire(varTeam3, false) setTeamFriendlyFire(varTeam4, false) bases[varTeam1] = baseTeam1 bases[varTeam2] = baseTeam2 bases[varTeam3] = baseTeam3 bases[varTeam4] = baseTeam4 spawnText () end Link to comment
Moderators Citizen Posted March 11, 2011 Moderators Share Posted March 11, 2011 Lol, it's not the 1st guy who make this ^^ Link to comment
default Posted March 12, 2011 Author Share Posted March 12, 2011 Thank you, that friendly fire is now working thank everyone who helped me or tried to help me. You really professional Link to comment
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