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CPed/CPedSA Setgravity & On-Foot Camera Hook

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Subject says it all.

On-Foot Camera Hook


needs work. the player model doesn't move/rotate properly with the matrix/speed set in CamEnd() which might be un-needed(?). i'm also unsure if the camera's vRight does what it should.

Modified gravity hook to go with it


And of course you need to add GetGravity/Setgravity to CPed/CPedSA and a CVector in CPedSA to hold it.

Then there's the concern of the mechanisms of SA that deal with standing up on a surface after falling down, while doing any collisions, while rotating, etc. Here's my first crude and probably wrong attempt at it.


This doesn't deal with aiming rotations, and it doesn't deal with setting the Z position when SA thinks you're not standing on inclines/walls/etc. I have some research on the Z position if this discussion goes anywhere. Hopefully this will spark some interest. :)

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