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add "onResourceFinishedStarting" Event.


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"A" is big resource.

"B" is 1kb resource.

i want to start "B" after starting "A".

but i can't.

-- script in "A" resource.

function startingB()



addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), startingB);

-- at Console , (i typed "start A")

starting "A"

starting "B"

start: Resource "B" stated

start: Resource "A" stated

i want to add "FinishedStarting".

Edited by Guest
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"A" is big resource.

"B" is 1kb resource.

i want to start "B" after starting "A".

but i can't.

-- script in "A" resource.

function startingB()



addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), startingB);

-- at Console , (i typed "start A")

starting "A"

starting "B"

start: Resource "B" stated

start: Resource "A" stated

i want to add "onResourceStarted".


add return of getResourceState a "started".

onResourceStart and onResourceStarted...


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You want to run B after start up the server?

If so, try using a timer. I have the same problem and I solved it using a timer 50ms :)

yes, it's my wanting.

but, that's not safe. we don't know when resource finished starting.

Edited by Guest
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I'm not sure of what are you trying to say, but getResourceState includes many states, such as: loaded, starting.

So i don't really get what do you mean.

sorry, my bad english.

i already did getResourceState.

"when resource start" and "when resource finished starting" were always "running". not changed.

Edited by Guest
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What do you exactly want to do, with that event? Maybe you could do a script for that, instead of using that event:

addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement ( ),  
       function ( )  
            setTimer ( triggerEvent, 500, 1, "onResourceStarted", getResourceRootElement ( ) )  
       end ) 

Or something like that, I don't know hehe :)

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You want to run B after start up the server?

If so, try using a timer. I have the same problem and I solved it using a timer 50ms :)

yes, it's my wanting.

but, that's not safe. we don't know when resource finished starting.

Try to scale the file-size with timers.

If file-size is 10 kb, use setTimer 500, if its 1 mb, try to use 1000.

If the resource is 1 kb, use just 50.

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