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Map files and createObject


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Maps are slightly more optimal than using createObject as all the elements created with a map are sent in a single packet, whereas each createObject is a separate packet (though raknet merges them together).

I repeatedly recommend people use map files. Superficially for this reason, but also because it's how MTA is designed - map files are a better solution than using scripts. It's like HTML vs Javascript - both have their uses, but the body of a page should be written in HTML, with the decoration in Javascript. The same applies to MTA.

Also, maps in map files can be edited with map editors.

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Well, to load it client side, you need to send the client what you want to load... Which is basically what map files do. We can send map files to clients far faster than a script full of createObject calls (maybe 4x less data?)

Also, use a script with createObject calls and anyone can copy your map (if you care about such things)...

So, yes, map files are far better than a client-side script full of createObject calls.

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