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MTA every 5 seconds a little gamefreeze // GTA SA NOT!




first of all, sorry for my bad english.

I have a problem...

I've always played GTA SA and MTA often times the last years, now i decided to buy GTA original.

I've bought it yesterday for 15 € at a famous Website and downloaded it. Installed it and played it a little bit. Then i installed MTA and it says, only with v 1.0. I wanted to downgrade my: i think

German v 1.01 but the downgrade only says: unknown version or sth. like that. i googled sometimes but it seems there is no solve for this problem. I also have seen that, Steam and Direct2Drive or sth. like that, also aren't able to downgrade. Then i downloaded No-CD Crack v 1.0 and i was able to start mta and it works really coool :) .

BUT, know my problem, when i join game, every 5 seconds game freezes for 0,5 - 1 second and this really nervs me. If i play normal singleplayer i have not this problems. First of all i thought it's a problem from my computer. But my computer plays Crysis on maximum. I think GTA doesn't need much perfomance. Then i thought it belongs to my WLAN. But it also freezes every 5 seconds in a empty server. and Ping is around 60-80.

I don't know what i could be :(:( ... does anyone had the same problems ??

I really wanted to play MTA. I love it so much.

BTW: i didn't modded anything till yet.

Thanks for everything

Greetings Daribusch

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See whether the following setting makes any difference:

  • Settings -> Advanced tab -> Asynchronous Loading

Does this issue happen on every server?

Could you also provide a dxdiag report? Press the Windows key + R, type dxdiag, press Enter, click Save all information... and post the contents of the saved log here within Code tags.

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