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Some suggestions


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Hi all!

I want to say some suggestions...

1: When you enter to Multi Theft Auto for first time, you have to select your nick, options and etc (like in Live for Speed, and for stop Player name or stop some stupid questions.)

2:GUI advanced selector: You can select color, type (default or MTA 1.1 skin), background, etc...

3:Check all SA Cheats on start before enter to MTA (in loading, when it says Stop playing with yourself). (I DONT CARE THE SERVERS THAT ALLOW CHEATS ¬¬)

4:Idk if this can be possible... a Basic script editor for put objects, objects with attachments, movement, outputchatbox, markers (with functions) and Gui editor

Ok :)

With these things MTA can be really nice :D

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1,2,3: You mean like a MTA starting wizard? It sounds good.

4: I think isn't necessary, everyone should know how to script those basic things.

The more easier ways to do something, the (ehem) more stupid and lazy people. It's like cheating, somebody can use a cheat but it him doesn't know how does it work, him is a noob cheater.

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