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help me with sql, pls.


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I try to create new login, using mysql plugin to mta.

My currently table based on paradise. Passwords are code by SALT and, how to decode it and check with what player wrote ?

function checkUser() 
export = exports.sql:query_assoc_single( "SELECT * FROM wcf1_user WHERE username = " .. tonumber( username ) ) 
username = null 
if(source == source.loginbutton) then 
local wpisanynick = guiGetText(source.loginLabel) end 
if wpisanynick == username then 
outputChatBox ( "[Good login]" )  
outputChatBox ( "[bad login]" ) 

Can u get me fast MTA-SQL tutorial :) ?


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Can u edit, my script to client and server ?

function checkUser() 
eksportuj = exports.sql:query_assoc_single( "SELECT * FROM wcf1_user WHERE username = " .. tonumber( username ) ) 
if(source == source.loginbutton) then 
local wpisanynick = guiGetText(source.loginLabel) end 
if wpisanynick == username then 
outputChatBox ( "[Login jest dobry]" )  
outputChatBox ( "[Login jest zly]" ) 

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I saw that someone talked about MySQL in mabako's mta:paradise... So, I have a question.

I want to install MTA:paradise on my server (hosted on gta-multi) so :

- I reinstall the server (to be sure to have no wrong file).

- I put paradise files on the server.

- I modify the settings.xml and now I have that :

    <setting name="*deathpickups.only_current" value="[ false ]" /> 
    <setting name="@sql.user" value="174_groupe-tgmc"/> 
    <setting name="@sql.password" value="MYPASS"/> 
    <setting name="@sql.database" value="174_groupe-tgmc"/> 
    <setting name="@sql.hostname" value="localhost"/> 
    <setting name="@sql.port" value="3306"/> 
    <!-- Only use this on Linux if the normal connection does fail even though using the correct username & password. --> 
    <setting name="@sql.socket" value="/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock"/> 
    <!-- Registration --> 
    <setting name="@players.allow_registration" value="1"/><!-- Change to 0 to disable registration and show an error message --> 
    <setting name="@players.registration_error_message" value="Il vous est impossible de vous enrengistrer pour le moment."/> 

- The mtaserver.conf is, for me, okay. The module section is that :

    <!-- Specifies the module(s) which are loaded with the server. To load several modules, add more <module> 
         parameter(s). Optional parameter. --> 
    <module src="mta_mysql.so"/> 
    <module src="sha.so"/> 
    <module src="ml_sockets.so"/> 

But when I start the server, It stops automatically and I've that in the server.log :

= Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.0.4-release-2155 
= Server name      : The Gamer/Modder Community RP 
= Server IP address: 
= Server port      : 6505 
= Log file         : ..175/174/MTA/mods/deathmatch/logs/server.log 
= Maximum players  : 16 
= MTU packet size  : 1264 
= HTTP port        : 23003 
[2011-01-13 00:42:38] Resources: 30 loaded, 0 failed 
[2011-01-13 00:42:38] Server password set to 'PRIVATE' 
[2011-01-13 00:42:38] Querying game-monitor.com master server... success! 
[2011-01-13 00:42:38] Querying backup master server... success! 
[2011-01-13 00:42:38] MODULE: Loaded "MySQL 5.0 database module" (0.41) by "Alberto Alonso <rydencillo@gmail.com>" 
[2011-01-13 00:42:38] MODULE: Loaded "SHA Module" (1.02) by "mabako" 
[2011-01-13 00:42:38] MODULE: Loaded "Sockets Module" (0.10) by "Gamesnert, mabako, MCvarial & x86" 
[2011-01-13 00:42:38] Starting resources.... 
[2011-01-13 00:42:38] ERROR: Unable to start resource sql; Start up of resource cancelled by script 
[2011-01-13 00:42:38] ERROR: Unable to start resource irc; Start up of resource cancelled by script 
[2011-01-13 00:42:38] ERROR: Unable to start resource players; Start up of resource cancelled by script 
[2011-01-13 00:42:38] ERROR: Unable to start resource vehicles; Start up of resource cancelled by script 
[2011-01-13 00:42:38] ERROR: Unable to start resource interiors; Start up of resource cancelled by script 
[2011-01-13 00:42:38] ERROR: Unable to start resource items; Start up of resource cancelled by script 
[2011-01-13 00:42:38] ERROR: Unable to start resource shops; Start up of resource cancelled by script 
[2011-01-13 00:42:39] ERROR: Unable to start resource maps; Start up of resource cancelled by script 
[2011-01-13 00:42:39] ERROR: Unable to start resource teleports; Start up of resource cancelled by script 
[2011-01-13 00:42:39] ERROR: Unable to start resource bank; Start up of resource cancelled by script 
[2011-01-13 00:42:39] ERROR: Unable to start resource factions; Start up of resource cancelled by script 
[2011-01-13 00:42:39] ERROR: Unable to start resource 3dtext; Start up of resource cancelled by script 
[2011-01-13 00:42:39] Server started and is ready to accept connections! 
[2011-01-13 00:42:39] Type 'help' for a list of commands. 
[2011-01-13 00:42:39]               _                                    _ _ 
[2011-01-13 00:42:39]              | |                                  | (_) 
[2011-01-13 00:42:39]     _ __ ___ | |_ __ _   _ __   __ _ _ __ __ _  __| |_ ___  ___ 
[2011-01-13 00:42:39]    | '_ ` _ \| __/ _` | | '_ \ / _` | '__/ _` |/ _` | / __|/ _ \ 
[2011-01-13 00:42:39]    | | | | | | || (_| | | |_) | (_| | | | (_| | (_| | \__ \  __/ 
[2011-01-13 00:42:39]    |_| |_| |_|\__\__,_| | .__/ \__,_|_|  \__,_|\__,_|_|___/\___| 
[2011-01-13 00:42:39]                         | | 
[2011-01-13 00:42:39]                         |_| v1.00 
[2011-01-13 00:42:39] Server stopped! 
[2011-01-13 00:42:39] Stopping resources................... 
[2011-01-13 00:42:39] Closing SQLite3 database 
[2011-01-13 00:42:39] Closing SQLite3 database 

Could anyone help me on this ? (I've searched for the problem but I can't find)

Thanks in advance,


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