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Adding seats to vehicle


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Its unfair R* made seats visual, but i unused. I mean cars like Blade, Beagle, Virgo... So i made script that allows you to sit on it. Of course it looks nice, i had to script also rotation updater that update your rotation with timer. I made lots lines of code, but why? Once i got awesome idea (i thought so) - to add dummies to DFF, so i decided to test it at 1st. I replaced Alpha model with Admiral, and tried - no effect, i still cannot enter backseat, and warpPedIntoVehicle with number 2 or more returns false. Is it possible to increase number of available seats? I'm just scripter, not programmer, i even don't know where game takes those numbers. I just know how they dummies in DFF points where to putplayer, but for some reason they aren't works as i wish. I wish you to think about it or maybe tell how i can fix it by myself without good programming skills. :oops:

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