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this is all made by mabako ...

yeah + its copied, stealed resources, and more :o

Its normal that servers steals other servers resources :)

Just dont play it :lol:

NOTE : look vids :) admins doesnt rp :)

Cash : 999999999999999999 :roll:

1. We didn't steal resources at all, you just say that because we kicked you from admin team.

And if you mean we 'stole' Mabako's system, how the hell would it be 'stealing' if it's on the internet to download.

We do use Mabako's system, and I admit it. And there is nothing wrong with it. We just use it as a basic system and

we add new things to it or we make them better.

2. Admins don't RP? How the hell can you see that in the vid, there is no admin in the vid except for me.

3. I don't even use the cash to buy things, I use it to test things, like buying houses, checking the interior, etc.

4. God please, stop hating, you're a f u c k i n g 12 year old.

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