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Stack overflow


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i got a script for the admins when i do /admins it says

Level 10=

level 9=


but when i do this its saying stack overflow :mrgreen:

im not comfortable with posting this

so im just asking what this error means :|

there are at lest two ways to prevent this:

1) Proper Tail Call

function a()  
 return a()  

Because a proper tail call uses no stack space, there is no limit on the number of "nested" tail calls that a program can make. For instance, we can call the following function with any number as argument; it will never overflow the stack.

2) setTimer function

function a()  
 setTimer (a,50,1)  

i always use "setTimer" method myself, ofcourse the interval may be difrent than 50 (50 is minimum)

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