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Rocket car script - editing help


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Well i edited the rocketcar script by phillyblunt https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=810, i won't upload it ofcourse, but i could need some help...

I have created 2 commands, /tr1 and /tr2 it sets toggle on or off, that sets toggle, in Rocket Car script if you press left shift you activate boost, and stops when released, /tr1 stands for Relase the key to stop, /tr2 to make it toggle (press lshift once, and again to stop) That works, but after it restores fuel, (you have fuel ;)) the binds in the tr1 and tr2 settings are gone, and i have to bind them again, anyway to automatically restore binds? Sorry if its the wrong place or not allowed to post topics about this, but i will learn something about scripting too :D thanks for your time.

EDIT: will it work with executecommand or something??

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without giving us code - we can't help you, because we just CAN'T see what's wrong.. :/

Ok, :D i thought it maybe wasnt allowed to copy rresource's script on forum:

--[[Version 1.1 Changes 
1. When a player leaves his vehicle while using boost the rocket is deactivated, meter closes, and resuming acceleration on a vehicle will not activate rocket automaticly 
2. Smoke is now serverside 
addEvent ( "kill", true ) 
addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement ( getThisResource() ), 
        if getLocalPlayer() then 
            bindKey ( "lshift", "up", ignition ) 
            bindKey ( "lshift", "up", kill ) 
            local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize() 
            fuelGauge = guiCreateProgressBar ( sx/4, sy/24, sx/2, sy/42, false ) guiSetVisible ( fuelGauge, false ) guiProgressBarSetProgress ( fuelGauge, 100 ) 
            outputChatBox ( "Keys bound", 255, 255, 255 ) 
function ignition ( player )  
    if isPedInVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ) then 
        if getVehicleController ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ) ) == getLocalPlayer() then 
            if isVehicleOnGround ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ) ) == true then 
                if getAnalogControlState ( "accelerate" ) == 1 then 
                    if fuelAmmount > 0 then 
                        initiate = addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), rocketBoost, getLocalPlayer() ) 
                        if initiate then 
                            guiSetVisible ( fuelGauge, true ) 
                            if fuelAmmount > 0 then 
                                triggerServerEvent ( "createSmoke", getLocalPlayer() ) 
                                smokeGenerator = "true" 
                                if smokeGenerator then 
                                    triggerServerEvent ( "killSmoke", getLocalPlayer() ) 
                                    smokeGenerator = nil 
function kill ( player ) 
    if isPedInVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ) then 
        if getVehicleController ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ) ) == getLocalPlayer() then 
            removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), rocketBoost, player ) 
            guiSetVisible ( fuelGauge, false ) 
            if smokeGenerator then 
                triggerServerEvent ( "killSmoke", getLocalPlayer() ) 
                smokeGenerator = nil 
                if guiGetVisible ( fuelGauge ) == true then 
                    guiSetVisible ( fuelGauge, false ) 
fuelAmmount = 1300 
boost = 1.03--default value is 1.01 
subtractor = 3--default value 
function rocketBoost ( player ) 
    if isPedInVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ) then 
        if getVehicleController ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ) ) == getLocalPlayer() then 
            if isVehicleOnGround ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ) ) == true then 
                if getAnalogControlState ( "accelerate" ) == 1 then 
                    if fuelAmmount > 0 then 
                        if dankSetting == "low" then 
                            boost = 1.01 
                            subtractor = 3 
                        elseif dankSetting == "medium" then 
                            boost = 1.03 
                            subtractor = 6 
                        elseif dankSetting == "high" then 
                            boost = 1.05 
                            subtractor = 9 
                        local velX, velY, velZ = getElementVelocity ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ) ) 
                        injectFuel = setElementVelocity ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ), velX * boost, velY * boost, velZ ) 
                        fuelAmmount = fuelAmmount - subtractor 
                        guiProgressBarSetProgress ( fuelGauge, fuelAmmount/10 ) 
                        local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() 
                        dxDrawText ( "Rocket Fuel Tank Empty", x/4, y/4 ) 
                        if smokeGenerator then 
                            triggerServerEvent ( "killSmoke", getLocalPlayer() ) 
                            smokeGenerator = nil 
                        if getKeyState ( "lshift" ) == true then 
                            if fuelAmmount <= 0 then 
                                removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(),rocketBoost, getLocalPlayer() ) 
                                unbindKey ( "lshift", "down", ignition ) 
                                unbindKey ( "lshift", "up", ignition ) 
                                setTimer ( restoreFuel, 1000, 1 ) 
                                addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), restoreFuelCheck ) 
function restoreFuel() 
    fuelAmmount = 1000 
    guiProgressBarSetProgress ( fuelGauge, 100 ) 
    bindKey ( "lshift", "up", ignition ) 
    bindKey ( "lshift", "both", ignition ) 
    outputChatBox ( "Fuel #00FF00Restored", 255, 255, 255, true ) 
function restoreFuelCheck() 
    if fuelAmmount < 1000 then 
        local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() 
        dxDrawText ( "Restoring Rocket Fuel...", x/2.3, y/23, x, y, tocolor ( 255, 0, 0, 255 ), 1.5, "default", "left", "top", false, false, true ) 
    elseif fuelAmmount == 1000 then 
        removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), restoreFuelCheck ) 
function rockettoggle1 () 
                    unbindKey ( "lshift", "down", kill ) 
                    bindKey ( "lshift", "up", kill ) 
                    unbindKey ( "lshift", "up", ignition ) 
                    bindKey ( "lshift", "down", ignition ) 
function rockettoggle2 () 
                    unbindKey ( "lshift", "up", kill ) 
                    bindKey ( "lshift", "down", kill ) 
                    unbindKey ( "lshift", "down", ignition ) 
                    bindKey ( "lshift", "up", ignition ) 
addCommandHandler ( "tr1",rockettoggle1 ) 
addCommandHandler ( "tr2",rockettoggle2 ) 
addCommandHandler ( "rocket", 
    function ( player, number ) 
        if number == "1" then 
            dankSetting = "low" 
            outputChatBox ( "Rocket velocity set to #00FF00low", 255, 255, 255, true ) 
        elseif number == "2" then 
            dankSetting = "medium" 
            outputChatBox ( "Rocket velocity set to #00FF00medium", 255, 255, 255, true ) 
        elseif number == "3" then 
            dankSetting = "high" 
            outputChatBox ( "Rocket velocity set to #00FF00high", 255, 255, 255, true ) 
        elseif number == nil then 
            outputChatBox ( "You must specify either 1 2 or 3", 255, 255, 255 ) 
            outputChatBox ( "Invalid Number; use 1 2 or 3", 255, 255, 255 ) 
addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerVehicleExit", getRootElement(), 
        if getAnalogControlState ( "accelerate" ) == 1 then 
            removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), rocketBoost, player ) 
            guiSetVisible ( fuelGauge, false ) 
            if smokeGenerator then 
                triggerServerEvent ( "killSmoke", getLocalPlayer() ) 
                smokeGenerator = nil     
addEventHandler ( "kill", getRootElement(), kill ) 

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you made this so complicated o_O

just save in global variable which way you are using, and restore it on fuel refill

Uhm :D i did not create the script, but thats not what your saying :D i'll have to search on wiki for global variable thanks for the info, ill report back if i done it :D

EDIT: can't find anything on wiki about global variable :/

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just search for "global variable lua" on google, and you will find lua language manual

Ok reading now

So if i paste this on front of my code:

 tr1 = togglerocket1 
print(tr1)  --> togglerocket1 

it will recognize it? I don't get it :(:?::?: this is what i found: http://www.lua.org/pil/1.2.html but, it's really hard for a noobie like me :D

EDIT: maybe i should drop this mess, and make the fuel something like 100000000

And when its down make an outputbox command that will say: please re-enter settings :/

idk, That would be ok too, thanks for your idea tough, but i really don't get it... Please explain me, if you have the time otherwise i'll use the 10000000 fuel idea :D

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I am phillyblunt the creator of the rocket cars script. I will try to help you.

The default global variable I used in this seems to be fuelAmmount.

Try a command that makes you able to restore fuel. For example

addCommandHandler ( "fuel", 
    function ( cmd, fuel ) 
        if fuel then 
            if tonumber(fuel) then 
                fuelAmmount = tonumber(fuel) 

I am not entirely sure on what you are wanting to accomplish, but this should be a simple way to restore fuel.

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I am phillyblunt the creator of the rocket cars script. I will try to help you.

The default global variable I used in this seems to be fuelAmmount.

Try a command that makes you able to restore fuel. For example

addCommandHandler ( "fuel", 
    function ( cmd, fuel ) 
        if fuel then 
            if tonumber(fuel) then 
                fuelAmmount = tonumber(fuel) 

I am not entirely sure on what you are wanting to accomplish, but this should be a simple way to restore fuel.

Thanks, but i found a other way :D Thanks for uploading it and the help ;)

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