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MTA Wish List Thread


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Purpose Of This Thread: 

This thread is supposed to allow people post small snippets of suggestions, and allow people and developers to respond to these requests along while prompting discussion as well as source code analyzing. I feel this would be more effective in getting things done, and just more convenient in general.

Why? There's a Suggestion Thread, There's Mantis?: 

Well, I repeat, this will allow people to post quick snippets, without going through the hassle of filing forms. It will also be easier to go through suggestions, prioritize them, and address them. Plus, most people are lazy anyways. I also have a weird feeling this will be more efficient. I'm quite looney, I know that.

Let's Start Off, Shall We?: 


Wish: Synchronize Fire, Make It Returnable, & Enable Functions For Fire Manipulation

Reasoning: It is definitely necessary to synchronize fire, and we need better control and orientation because right now it's just a single-use function. Once you create it, you can't make it larger, you can't move it, you can't kill it. Static as hell.

Practicality: Actually, a lot of the functions above (sound toggle, spread, strength, and position) already exist internally, and already added in place. {See CFireManagerSA.cpp} A restructuring of fire creation might take place in order to add it to the element pool, but at the moment, we just simply use { g_pGame->GetFireManager ()->StartFire ( vecPosition, fSize ) }

Also : It doesn't have to be in ANY format.

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