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Server 1.0.4 crashing

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Hello everybody,

We are a known clan on MTA and we have recently moved our servers to a VPS. Unfortunately our servers crash after 12 hours (depending on how many players are in the server). So like with 20 people it even crashes after 8 hours! We have used the official serverfiles of MTA.

Hopefully someone can help us out.

Thanks in advance,


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Why run an old version of Debian to start with? I'd suggest to upgrade your OS to Debian 5 as a start.

That crash can be anything. How much available memory is left when MTA-Server is started? (command is "top")

First of all make sure you have the newest linux version of MTA:SA, as <1864 versions has the 0005476 (The server is consistently leaking a small amount of memory) bug.

Secondly, you can easily write a CRON job ( time-based job scheduler ) to check if mta-server is running every minute, if not > start it.

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Thank you for your response Zango.

We can't upgrade it to Debian 5 because we also run Plesk on it, will get too complicated for just a VPS. The memory is fine, constant at around 500 MB with about 1500 MB free.

We've been thinking about using a cron job, not yet integrated it, but it doesn't matter that much. It's just too bad when we have like 32 people in one of our servers (so the server is full) and it goes down, it'll take a few hours before it's full again and then a couple of hours later the server goes down again.

We run with version 1854, I think we need to update it :) We will try later today.

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