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createPickup problem.


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Hello, I create pickups and have some problem with it.

When I create pickup using server function


it creates and works great, but if someone pick it up , it disappears on the all players. But I want, that every player can pick ip up, and these pickup wouldn't disappear on the other players. I mean, that each player can pick it up only one time. How to do it?

p.s. if create pickup on client side it doesn't pick up.

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maybe try something with?


but im not sure if pickup like this will be "pickable" by others (i mean, one player will pick up all the pickups)

I tried to destroy picked up pickup then create it again and hide to player, who picked up, bit it didn't work :D. Here is my code:

function onPickupPickup(player)
if(source == pickup[1]) then
--[[ here is pickup's actions ]]
pickup[1] = createPickup (-3381.484131,-1083.058105,95.289009,3,1272,99999999999) -- i created the same pickup like it was
setElementVisibleTo(pickup[1], getRootElement(), true)
setElementVisibleTo(pickup[1], player, false) -- and hided it to player , who picked it up

Pick up appeared again , but was not pickupable..

So i guess mta doesn't support per-player pickups.. :cry:

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Create it client side then use a colshape around it to detect when you hit it, then destroy it (and the colshape) when the player hits it.

I tried, but when one player pick ups the pickup it destroys for all players. Code:

server side:


client side:

function createKeys2()
key[1] = createPickup (-3231.484131,-2383.058105,81.289009,3,1272,9999999999)
cls[1] = createColCircle ( -3231.484131,-2383.058105, 2.5 )
addEventHandler( "createKeys", getRootElement(), createKeys2 )
function onClientColShapeHit()
if(source == cls[1]) then

pickup and colshape destroys for all players, and message sends too.

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