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Question: are we ever going to see MTA:VC 1.0?

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Well the title says it all i guess but i'd like to go into details abit.

MTA:SA is in pretty good shape, it has servers, hundreds of players, map editor and stuff. It almost could be sold as a "(un)official" internet modification. So, would the guys who work on the MTA:SA waste some of their time to MTA:VC too?

i don't know but i'll ask anyway: wouldn't some MTA:SA scripts and stuff like the main menu work with MTA:VC too with little editing? it would also make Vice City much more popular if the listening thing could be fixed and people wouldn't have to check IP's from game monitor.

I know i sound like a noob who's asking "can you spend the last of your free time to fix something that isn't nor never going to be as popular as MTA:SA." but I think you don't want it to be another Duke Nukem Forever nor a beta (0.x) forever. I'd like to help somehow but i can't script a s**t so i just have to wish that someone is willing to do something. That's one bad side of open-source programs.. people don't get paid about what they do so they don't have to do anything :?

So, can anyone who knows better than me say do we mortals have any hope we could see some MTA:VC update sooner or later?

Everything good to everyone

-- Burger

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  Ca11um said:
The only developer that works on MTA 0.5 (VC and III) is Towncivilian.

I'm not an official dev.

Porting Blue for VC/3 would require a DirectX 8 renderer (both games are DX8 while GTA:SA is DX9) and a lot of memory address work for sync and functions, amongst other things. Unfortunately I don't know C++ and nobody who does has shown interest in porting VC/3.

I've done my best to improve MTA 0.5 with the limited source material available (see my signature), but until I get the support of a previous developer of MTA 0.5 to update the client/server with at least an updated server browser, there's no viable way to release my work without resorting to dubious "no-crc" loaders or using some 0.5.1 client/server builds which have no CRC protection, and neither of those are gonna fly around here.

Read this, this, and this for some recent discussion about this very topic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That doesn't mean give up all hope though. If good developers can be found, things can be done. I've been personally bugging the MTA devs for awhile on this as well, and so far I've been told that if someone feels up to the job of rewriting it all, it can be done, but people need to be found for that.

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  SugarD-x said:
That doesn't mean give up all hope though. If good developers can be found, things can be done. I've been personally bugging the MTA devs for awhile on this as well, and so far I've been told that if someone feels up to the job of rewriting it all, it can be done, but people need to be found for that.

If anybody capable cared to do a port, then they probably would have done it by now. It's not like MTA 0.x is getting any significant exposure (it's hardly getting any at all, there's almost no reference to its existence on the main page, much less a download link... but there's little point with 0.5 due to the dead browser), certainly not enough that would pique a capable developer's interest today I think.

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  SugarD-x said:
Which is why people should be found so such exposure can be made with a release. I'm sure that if a release was made, users would use it.

I don't think you can really "find" random coders who would be interested who don't have a background with MTA. Those with such ability would probably look for more lucrative (paid) positions or maybe work on MTA:SA instead.

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There might be a few that have yet to be found though. Remember, there was a time when GTA 3 and VC were being modded to all hell by regular users. That is how MTA was created in the first place. I'm sure there's a few of them still hanging around somewhere that would be interested in this. :)

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  SugarD-x said:
There might be a few that have yet to be found though. Remember, there was a time when GTA 3 and VC were being modded to all hell by regular users. That is how MTA was created in the first place. I'm sure there's a few of them still hanging around somewhere that would be interested in this. :)

While the modding community for 3/VC was quite active, none of the common mods required any programming experience. Some common sense to figure out SCM, if one was inclined to do mission mods or even a completely new storyline with new missions. There are (and probably always will be) some who feel nostalgic and would like to see an update to MTA 0.5 or a Blue port, but nobody capable (or rather, willing) has stepped up to the plate yet.

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  SugarD-x said:
There were quite a few mods that existed that required C++/programming experience. Don't forget Myriad Islands, and GTA: State Of Liberty, for starters.

I said common.

Nonetheless, how many of the people behind those more complex projects are still around, or would be willing to help? People tend to move on.

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Always seeing these types of threads bring back many memories and just to think I haven’t actively played VC since around 2006, shows how quickly time has changed indeed.

The situation has always been a myth to the “old school” community which were around in the 0.x days. The problem is was that there was so much promise when the early screenshots of VC on the BLUE platform were published around 2005, maybe earlier, I don’t have the best of memories, people wanted the hype to eventually become a reality. The idea was that VC would be the fallback after the completion of SA, though those who have been around as the years have gone by knew that the SA task took longer then expected. Unfortunately, the demand was growing day-by-day for an SA release that in the end any hope of 0.x reconciliation started fading away.

Over the years there has been a demand, various topics have been created urging a release of the classic duo of VC and GTA3 to reach full potential, though as the years have passed, the dust seems certain to stay put and won’t be blown off anytime soon it seems.

Towncivilian has no doubt shown that there are people who are willing to contribute to the uprising of such history, though while I am not one to judge any of the developers, it baffles me to why no support has been shown.

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Amazing post man. You gained my respect with that single reply.

Yes, it is true, the MTA devs didn't hold up on their past promises as expected back in the day, and as things progress on the SA end, 3/VC are left to rot and die in closed-source hell.

I'm absolutely sick of it. I'm calling for reform. Anyone who wishes to join may do so. I'm looking for C++ coders that understand the MTA:SA source. Anyone who possesses that skill and wants to see this torturing finally end, contact me. I will not stand back and watch this happen anymore.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

i think bringing back mta vs is a great idea, spent about 3 years of my life playing this game day in day out, was just the nest thing since sliced bread, then i moved to counter strike, 5 years later here i am, back on these forums again haha, but to be honest it is looking like a longshot but oh well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

wow, been years since i even visited this forum.

I never liked san andreas for some reason.

It was always vice city for me :]

and ppl moved on, switched to SA and i don't get it :P

i believe theres like 1 server left and its roleplay lol

i just wanna kill to be honest. in my opinion there doesnt even

have to be a better version..but there gotta be servers D:

and players....but ppl moved on, so have i i guess..

were some fun years tho ^_^

if anyones working on it, goodluck..

hmm im ginna google for active vc servers ^_^


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  • 4 weeks later...

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