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Interface screen

Guest Terrapin1

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I have attempted to find the interface screen that is depicted in the manual for the last few days. I am completely stumped. I read every FAQ. searched the forums for something close to this, and all I have deduced is that I must be a idiot.

I click on gta3mta it brings up the scrolling credits. (obviously)

I alt-tab out

I am trying to run a LAN server, so I bypass ASE. set the amount of users all from the configure server button.

I save changes

I try launching server...brings up text, but is listening

I have tried this in many different combinations of order

How o how do I post the ip address and send my game request? I never see the interface screen to do so. I have unistalled the mod and the game twice..no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

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Well, I guess I will bump my own thread....not a socially responsible idea, but I would hope the forum moderators would at least look into this and maybe give me some sort of idea where I have made a mistake. Do I need to be more clear about my problem?

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