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i post the following idears because on our server ( Vio Reallife ) there

were massive cheating attacks, for e.g. they modified

the clientsite files or turned it off / load their own files

to change their elementDatas.

To prevent this, 3 things would be very usefull:

1. onElementDataChange: A possibility to check who changed the ElementData, if it was a client or the console

2. A possibility to reload files clientside

3. Something to check if the files have been modified, for e.g. a total-hash of all files

Sry for my bad english...

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Files are already locally hashed, though this isn't secure. This is why we suggest that you never trust client-side scripts - put important logic server-side, and limit what clients can do.

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First of all, thanks for the quick reply,

i'm on it to bring up my script back to a secure level,

but to put some features like an anticheat serverside

would be very bad...

As i said, a simple onElementDataChange-Event with

the one who changed the elementData would help a lot...

Also, it would be great to get to know who triggers a Server-Side

event - these cheaters on my server used my anticheat to ban other


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I believe that events triggered using triggerServerEvent do pass the player that triggered them as a hidden argument. I can't remember what the name is though - maybe sourcePlayer or sourceClient or something?

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i'll give it a try and write it down here, if it works -

thank you very much!


Found this in the wiki:

client: the client that triggered the event using triggerServerEvent. Not set if the event was not triggered from a client.


Usefull, but i still don't have any possibility to check who changed an element Data...

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So, don't rely on element data for syncing important things.

This isn't ideal, and I think improvements can be made here, but the basic principle is - Don't Trust The Client. Ever. It always will be too - we can't check or guarantee that the client is running legitimate code.

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Thanks for your help,

the biggest problems are solved now -

no more Element Data and a possibility

to check who triggered an event.

Keep up the good work - 1.04 and of course

1.1 seem to be great on the first view,

can't wait to try out the features!

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