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MTA SA: Map Editor: Marker's


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There's now a map editor in MTA SA.

I understand almost everything of it exept the markers :?

I want to make in my server 2 marker's that teleports to eachother.

Is that possible with the Map editor?

I think it is but i dont know how :?

For example:

- I open map editor

- make 1 marker at the grove street (the begin point)

- make another marker at the airport.

I want to let teleport these to markers so if you play and stand in that marker you come at the airport and back.

Is there someone who can help me?

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So there's a script with you can place markers that goes to interiors?

I saw a youtube video: There you can place in front of you a marker and click on the position you want to go.

But the marker delete itself if u are in postition.

and i want to hold this marker so everyone can step on it and go to the place and that not goes away.

Is there a script for?

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