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wasEventCancelled returns false - always


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The function wasEventCancelled seems to always return false.

I found this in the bug tragger but it was resolved in dp2 already.

Nevertheless, the following example code reproduces the error on my machine always.

function testEvt()
if wasEventCancelled() then
outputChatBox("evt was cancelled for reason :"..tostring(getCancelReason()))
return nil
outputChatBox("cancelling evt")
x = cancelEvent(true, "test cancelling")
outputChatBox("evt cancelled: "..(x and "yes" or "no"))
function testEvt2()
if wasEventCancelled() then
outputChatBox("evt was cancelled for reason :"..tostring(getCancelReason()))
return nil
outputChatBox("cancelling evt")
x = cancelEvent(true, "test cancelling")
outputChatBox("evt cancelled: "..(x and "yes" or "no"))
addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), testEvt)
addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), testEvt2)

This is the only resource running on my server for test purpose.

If a player writes something it doesn't show up ingame but in the logs.

My script produces the following output:

cancelling evt
evt cancelled: yes
cancelling evt
evt cancelled: yes

Glad for any help.

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