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How to calculate points coordinates on a 3D circle?


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Hello, I need a function to calculate points on a 3D circle, which will have these parameters:

param 1 : amount of points to calculate

params 2, 3, 4 : an origin 3D point -> center of the circle

param 5 : a radius -> distance from circle origin to points

param 6 : a yaw angle -> rotation around world's z axis

param 7 : a pitch angle -> rotation around circle's x axis

return : a table with points coordinates and angles

Actually, I've got everything but the Z and PITCH calculations. Adding another dimension is too hard, I'm stuck :P.

Here is my code actually, which work for a 2D circle, mean the returned table contain X, Y coordinates and yaw angle for each points:

local RAD2DEG = 57.295779513082320876798154814105
local DEG2RAD =  0.017453292519943295769236907685
local PI2     =  6.283185307179586476925286766559
local cos = math.cos
local sin = math.sin
function getPointsOnCircle2D(points, originX, originY, radius, yaw)
yaw = ( yaw + 90 ) * DEG2RAD
local t = {}
local a = PI2 / points 
for i = 1, points do
	t[i] =
		originX + ( cos( yaw ) * radius ),
		originY + ( sin( yaw ) * radius ),
		yaw * RAD2DEG
	yaw = yaw + a
return t

Thanks for any help !

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Hello, I need a function to calculate points on a 3D circle, which will have these parameters:

param 1 : amount of points to calculate

params 2, 3, 4 : an origin 3D point -> center of the circle

param 5 : a radius -> distance from circle origin to points

param 6 : a yaw angle -> rotation around world's z axis

param 7 : a pitch angle -> rotation around circle's x axis

return : a table with points coordinates and angles

Actually, I've got everything but the Z and PITCH calculations. Adding another dimension is too hard, I'm stuck :P.

Here is my code actually, which work for a 2D circle, mean the returned table contain X, Y coordinates and yaw angle for each points:

local RAD2DEG = 57.295779513082320876798154814105local DEG2RAD =  0.017453292519943295769236907685local PI2     =  6.283185307179586476925286766559 local cos = math.coslocal sin = math.sin function getPointsOnCircle2D(points, originX, originY, radius, yaw) 	yaw = ( yaw + 90 ) * DEG2RAD 	local t = {}	local a = PI2 / points  	for i = 1, points do 		t[i] =		{			originX + ( cos( yaw ) * radius ),			originY + ( sin( yaw ) * radius ),			yaw * RAD2DEG		} 		yaw = yaw + a 	end 	return t end

Thanks for any help !

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