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[REQ] Team script + window!

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I maked really awesome team script, there is teams like "groves" "ballas" etc.. And if grove kill ballas they receive some money and if ballas kill groves they receive too money :P and if groves/ballas kill civilian they go to jail or if they have cash in hand, they will lost $2000..

I have greenzones there+ base markers..

I maked more than hard work for this script...

And I wannna request how can I make window, that it will spawn you to team :P

Or I have window..

There's code about button:

addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", Groves, setTeam )

I have window code in safe in computer, I don't wanna post it :D

and there's, that button thing (which should setTeam)

function setTeam(button,state)
-- when they click with the left mouse button
if button == "left" and state == "down" then
-- if they clicked the groves button
if source == Groves then
setPlayerTeam ( source, Groves )

I have teams in difference script :P

And they are working!

It's more than awesome if somebody can help

I really need this script!

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I have window code in safe in computer, I don't wanna post it \":D\"

Err.. right. You want us to help you but are so keen on protecting the thing you want help with? That's not really a hard thing to do and I doubt anyone here would steal your script. Easier to make own.

You make a gui window, hide it, when player joins, show it, it will have buttons grove and ballas. Then you use those event handlers, if clicked on grove, trigger a server event which spawn you to grove team and vice versa.

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