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I don't know, what to do? I read the introductions twice, did the meta.xml file thingy with that code, made the script.lua with code inside thingy. What now? I type "gamemode myserver" ( the "myserver" is in that meta.xml code thingy too" ) and they salid, that the gamemode is not valid. HELP ME! :cry:

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I don't know, what to do? I read the introductions twice, did the meta.xml file thingy with that code, made the script.lua with code inside thingy. What now? I type "gamemode myserver" ( the "myserver" is in that meta.xml code thingy too" ) and they salid, that the gamemode is not valid. HELP ME! :cry:

I think you either skipped a part, or haven't read it all too well.

     <info author="YourName" type="gamemode" name="My Server" description="My first MTA DM server" /> 
     <script src="script.lua" /> 

In the tag, there's a "type" field which indicates that the resource is a gamemode instead of a regular include or a map, which will be explained later. A gamemode is what you need to make a stand-alone server.


You apparently don't have set type to "gamemode", or made a typo in the word gamemode. Make sure to spell it exactly like in the example. ;)

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