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Fixing Votemanager.


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I am working on Fixing Votemanager. there are a coupple of other bugs i would also like to correct.... (But im crap at LUA, so im asking for help (mainly just a pointer in the right direction)

(We have already widened the votemanager so that most map names are no longer cut off.)(and a few other adjustments hae allready been made so it links to a few scripts that Mvol have made, such as ChatSpam protection of votes, (so people dont spam 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 and so on) and a lot of other things.)

This one for starters:

If the map vote ends in a tie.... It will just sit there and do nothing. the map wont change. nothing will happen attall. well, appart from this error...

ERROR: votemanager_server.lua:270: attempt to index local 'optionTable'

What i would like it to do, instead of erroring, is pick at random one of the tied votes, and change to it.

and the other bug. (a more complex issue)

Ok, say 8 maps appear in the vote.

Theres me and Jason in the server.

the Vote list is this for example:

1. PHS Big Nigs

2. Spyder

3. Flipping Shite

4. Jumpy Jumps

5. Holy Crap


7. Buttnutts

8. Balls

9. Dont Change

and I vote for 7

And then Jason Votes for 5

(In MTA:Race this would dictate that in Voting Nomination 2 the maps that would appear would be like this:

1. Holy Crap

2. Buttnutts


But with the Votemanager in DM, the second page would instead take the top maps from the first... so Vote Nomination 2 would look like this:

1. PHS Big Nigs

2. Spyder

Causing the chat to be somthing like this...

Jason: What the Funk? i didnt vote for either of them

[PS]DazzaJay[AU]: Yeah, the votemanager is rigged.

Basically, i would like it to act more like the Classic Votemanager in the sence of Vote nomination 2 goes to the maps that were voted in nomination one.

So if anyone knows what to do to make these adjustments / fixes happen, please tell. and iil put it all together.

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