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4 questions..

Guest AukeV

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Can anyone help me with my server,

I need help with:

Moderator box (NOTHING xD?)

on Map ppl won;t see (FREEROAM GUI) NEWEST EDITION

nobody can see ramps from other ppl(IM USING VERRAMPS)

nobody can see my building,(IM USING OFFEDIT)

Can anyone help me with that thing?|

THanks yoU!

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1. Moderator box... What do you mean?

2. Ehm... I can't even see if that question makes any sence... Can you ask it a little better?

3. That means the script is client-side. If it's a resource that can save it in a .map file, you need to save, copy and paste it into your map.

4. Again: client-side. Also, you need to save the map. And I don't know if it saves in the current map file... I don't really think so... You should copy from the saved file and save it in yours.

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