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New Error

Guest aidandesilva

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I have two problems, the first one, is frequent timeouts. I have looked through a through threds and can assure that my firewall is OFF and ifon, then it lets through "mta server" the only mta it can let through.

A new problem, I logged into a server and it instantly logged me out, i had it earlier, so tried samp, problems with that too. I thought i'd go back to mta and had this problem:

http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj24 ... 1213114164[/img]

Hope you can help, starting to like this, the timeouts also got VERY frequent, had a few mi nutes apart yesterday night.

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Erm bump...the screenie error hasn't happened for a while..but the timeouts, i just had 3 minutes apart, seriously any help would be appreciated, i really wanna sort this out :S

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