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2 questions about TXD files

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i want to know if objects ( like ramps and buildings ) use TXD files for there textures and if u can change them like you can cars

i downloaded a resource called ZONDA from MTA resources which replaces TXD and DFF files for cars and i was wondering if i could use this with objects as well

my second question is about the ZONDA resource as well

when it replaces the textures for the vehicle it replaces the DFF file as well but i have a few vehicle textures that only have a TXD file and no DFF file. is it possible to load the TXD file on its own or would i need to get a DFF file for them before i can use them.

i was thinking of using IMGtool or something to extract the associated DFF files from the GTA3.img file but thats a lot of hassle if i dont need to do it

thanx for any replys :D

EDIT :: i have tried to extract a DFF file from gta3.img but it doesnt help load the TXD file like i was hoping so does anyone know how to make a DFF file to go with a TXD file

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i want to know if objects ( like ramps and buildings ) use TXD files for there textures and if u can change them like you can cars

Yes, Objects also use txd-Files as Textures and you can also change them. Almost every Model and Texture is stored in gta3.img.

i downloaded a resource called ZONDA from MTA resources which replaces TXD and DFF files for cars and i was wondering if i could use this with objects as well

Hmm, never tested it but maybe it will cause Problems because of Object Properties. Just try it and look also for an ide Tutorial, where Syntax is explained...

when it replaces the textures for the vehicle it replaces the DFF file as well but i have a few vehicle textures that only have a TXD file and no DFF file. is it possible to load the TXD file on its own or would i need to get a DFF file for them before i can use them.

There might be more than one txd-File for one dff-File. You should just add them all. Too much txd's won't cause any Problems, if they don't have the same Name like any other Texture that does not belong to the added dff.

They are either for Tuning Paintings or just for making the Car's overprint dynamic.

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