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Server isnt on list?

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Hy guys I was running my server on my router just fine, but then i didnt need my router anymore so i tossed it and now i got my cable modem plugged directly into my computer and when i run my server it doesent show up on the ingame browser and i cant connect to it using quick connect either... can you guys please help me fix this :|

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your ip address in server config file probably needs to be changed.

your router would have given you an ip on your home network but you will now be using ip address assigned by service provider

just open local area connection and see what your new ip address is or if you have network icon in taskbar just click that and look in support tab

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dont know if it will help but to see if your server is still accessible try giving your quick connect details to a friend and get them to try and connect that way and then use to join the game yourself

or possibly if they have played on your server before tell them to go into previously played servers instead of internet servers and see if your server is still listed there

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Well I really dont want to switch back to my router just because this shit decides not to work without it... I want to email someone about this so fucking bad... Correct me if im wrong but Its supposed to be easier to run the server on the browser without a router and it just gets harder without one. I remember a long time ago when I just got my router I havent installed it yet and i ran my server before i even instlalled it and everything worked perfectly it was on the browser and now without the router it wont do crap... That just dont make any since to me. But of course i did notice that my ip address had changed along with my dns and subnet

my ip at that time was

now its

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i did have the same problem myself when my old router died on me ( took 2 weeks to get new one ) but i never figured out how to make server run without router.

really does seem quite stupid that getting rid of the router causes more problems but not sure what else to try on this.

you seem to have already checked everything i know about. SORRY :?

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hmmm... The reasons I dont want my router back are

1. I have no more computers or devices to connect to it

2. I no longer have xbox live

3. I dont got an official desk and I got all my pc stuff piled on my dresser which is a mess and all the wires are tangled up all over the place, it looks like a fucking nightmare and adding the router back will just make it worse lol

lol a shorter list why i would want my router back is to run my server,

well thanks for your help man i appreciate it,

I guess until I figure out somthin i will just keep posting or somthin lol

btw my mta name is Dr.PhillyBlunt (out of the blue)

and just because i am bored i will display my specs lol

old dell dimension 1100

1gb ram

western digital 320 gb hard disk

some kind of lite on dvd burner

everything else is stock

shitty onboard graphics

I wouldeve bought a good graphics card but i figured out my mobo is an old crappy one that does not have pci-e ports

Rapping is my hobby

My house has a lobby

My bitches act snobby

Because I feed them thousands

I know that didn't rhyme

But I'm only being honest

You can't pay me in cash now I'm only seeing commas

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