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givePlayerMoney kills

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Alright I got my line of code

givePlayerMoney ( source, 100 ) 

I made the code like this because I didn't want to mess around with it differently, this is the way I know.

But I am not sure where to put it so when someone kills someone the killer gets 1k cash.

This may sound easy to you but it is not easy for me, hope you can help, thanks in advanced!

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You could put it in the onPlayerWasted event.

local ggg = 1000 
function player_Wasted(ammo, attacker, weapon, bodypart) 
   -- give $1000 for every kill 
   givePlayerMoney(attacker, ggg) 
addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), player_Wasted) 

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You could put it in the onPlayerWasted event.
local ggg = 1000 
function player_Wasted(ammo, attacker, weapon, bodypart) 
   -- give $1000 for every kill 
   givePlayerMoney(attacker, ggg) 
addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), player_Wasted) 

I'll change attacker, ggg) change to attacker, 1000) :wink:

Oh thanks and sorry for bein mean to ya earlier was havin' bad day

:wink: Shouldn't let it on forum

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