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"Connection timed out"?

Guest Fritz91

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Anyone know what I can do with to prevent this? I'm using MTA SA, the racing one (if it makes any difference) and I can't seem to connect to any servers.

I had the game last summer but my computer messed up and I had to uninstall it. Now I have a legit copy of the game, which is European V2.00, so I used the patch to put the game to 1.00 and MTA works. But whenever I try to connect to a game I get this problem, "Connection timed out". Funny thing is, earlier I managed to get into a game after turning off my firewall, though decided to leave because I forgot about the inverted mouse.

Soo, if anyone has any ideas for what to do with this it would be greatly appreciated. I really want to play again. :[

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