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Forced to reinstall each time I want to play!


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I can't find anyone else having this same problem. A fresh install works fine with no problems. But after I have played it once it gives me this error each time after that. Until I uninstall MTA and reinstall it again.

Here is a link to the error. http://picasaweb.google.com/mrzoee/UntitledAlbum/photo#5168743997371109938

I am running Vista Ultimate. Someone else must be having this problem and maybe someone even knows how to fix it! I love the game, but reinstalling it all the time is getting to be a pain in the ass.

Thanks for any help!

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Ok, so I think I fixed it! The problem seems to be that I was turning off the three options for the menu rendering. If leave all three options on as they are when you install MTA it works every time! So if anyone has had similar problems give it a try!! Simply leave those options alone after your next reinstall :D

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