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Setting up a racing server

Guest Chetic

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I'm having trouble putting up a racing-only server in MTASADM dp2.

Two simple questions:

How do I prevent players from voting on gamemodes?

How do I add/remove maps from race mode?

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I'm having trouble putting up a racing-only server in MTASADM dp2.

Two simple questions:

How do I prevent players from voting on gamemodes?

How do I add/remove maps from race mode?

1. delete all the other gamemodes and maps i sujest you make a back up

2. just deleting them (Tested= works)

one recomendation allways keep the race resource at the new version downloable from: http://www.mtabeta.com/index.php?p=resources

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Hey of course!

Worked great, thanks a lot :D

If only there were any new maps to download :?

No extra race maps on the site, that was a shock to me :/

you CAN use maps from mta race BUT you need to do a meta.xml for them there is a practical race to dm map converter but needs MIRC (which i dont have) here's the link any ways viewtopic.php?f=94&t=21692

Also here is what the meta.xml has too look like

    <info type="map" gamemodes="race" name="nameofmap" author="Someone" /> 
    <race src="Testmap.map" /> 

so you have to replace testmap whit the name of the .map file like this

hope it works good luck whit your server and send me by PM the server's ip and port plese ;)

EDIT: if you need any extra help post it i will always check ALLWAYS even in 3 years ;)

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