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1. Launch MTA 0.5 (don't launch a server) and select RESET VICE CITY CONFIG FILE.

2. Locate "C:\Programs Files\Multi Theft Auto" and "C:\Program FIles\Rockstar Games\Vice City"

3. In the Multi Theft Auto directory, if there is a %s%s file - delete it.

4. In the Vice City directory, if there is a %s%s file - delete it.

5. Copy a config.cfg file in any directory that's 1 KB in size, and paste it in *both* GTA/MTA directories. (Make sure you are not copying and pasting a file that's only 0 KB in size!)


bind F11 showscores 
bind F10 showplayers 
bind t say 
bind F9 showchat 
bind F12 screenshot 

Make sure that both config files in both directories say this. If it says nothin', then you copied and pasted a config.cfg file that's only 0 KB in size. Either type in those string of words manually, or click on RESET VICE CITY CONFIG FILE again.

7. Launch game!

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