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Compressed Recource Transfer.


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Sorry if this has been asked, i looked around, and didnt see it.

But basically, the way the game is at the moment, is seems that when you join a server, it recives the recources completley uncompressed.

But this can be relativly annoying for some people, as the entire world is not on 8meg+ internet, i myself have only a 512k connection.

But anyway, back to it. Why not, when a player joins, the files they need are compressed in a similar method to a zip, sent across, and uncompressed by the clients PC, it would save a lot of time for people to join a lot of servers that have Car Mods.

For example, If aserver had my "Australian Police Car Textures" set for copcarsf, copcarls, and copcarlv, (plus the required .dff files to go with it, Uncompressed that alone is a 13.9MB download.

But compressed into a zip is only 5MB

Which would cut the transfer time in half.

Now i am Not saying "Transfer the entier recource.zip file, as i know some creators want to protect thier Server Side scripts from theft.

What i am saying, is get the server to Compress only the files that the client would recive from the server anyway, Thus to use less bandwidth, and a lot shorter download time for those of us who dont have fast connections.

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