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Nitro vs. Keyboard

Guest Sorry for my Eng

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So..I have a problem with using nitro...or with my keyboard.The thing is that when i activating nitro(LMB) my car goes mad.It hardly can be controled with keyboard.Its like keys that has been pressed like...freezing for a seconds.When nitro's off everything is great...but when its on :( .Do someone know what the hell is it?

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Your computer can be bottlenecked (lag) anywhere in the game at any time. If you did Nitro in a smoky or shaderific area, it will lag.

If you updated your drivers yesterday to try and fix the problem, delete [.set] file! Also, be sure the set everything in "ForceWare Control Panel" to their factory defaults (application preference). After doing that, make sure the settings you use in San Andreas display setup are suited for your computer. Turn off AA-AF, lower the draw distance, and make sure the "Visual FX Quality" is MEDIUM or LOW.

Still not working out? Then your problem is normal for your computer. Upgrade to a dual-core CPU, a faster hard drive, more RAM, etc.

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