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Stopping spammers DDoS attacks

Guest Wolf68k

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First off, sorry if this has been brought up before I couldn't find it.

Also sorry if this is the wrong place, I wasn't sure where to put this.

On to the problem...

I would think it would be well known by now that there are jerks out there with some kind of program that is connecting to the MTA server and floods the server with 100s of lines within just a couple secs of whatever text they want to use.

Most are bot commands, but others have been used to spam for some other server or web site and so some to trash talk the server they are flooding.

Using a the MTA mirc bot is useless to prevent against this, it floods out the bot before it can do anything.

I just find it odd that if you change your nick while on a server that you then have to wait 1min or so before you can change it again. I'm not sure if this client or server do this, but I think my point is there.

Why can't the server be set to whether be a set default setting or something that admins can control in the config file do so something to the effect of; 10 lines within 10secs and the server just ignores/mutes that person for X-amount of time like say 30secs.

Again if this can be configured by the admin in the config maybe offer the option to have the server kick the person or even ban them. And the admin would have control over how many lines in how many seconds as well as what actions the server should take; mute for X time, kick or ban.

I would think the server could tell with this type of jerk/person faster and easier than the irc bot. Hell I know the irc bot can't do anything but killed by it.

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  • 1 year later...

Unless u want to take months uncompiling the stuff mta compiled, then i suggest that u will just have to put up with them lol. Its a bit like people asking if they can make / commands, its possible, but u have to hack into mta files (which u cant do)

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