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Plz Edit !place for me ASAP


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Can some one plz help me with this

Eveytime you put in another code it reads this im thinking brakets arnt right also i done a !p and !save but its not reading the saved property.

alias rpg.places !return $iff($readini($rpg.dir $+ rpg.ini,$mta.name($1,$2),places),$readini($rpg.dir $+ rpg.ini,$mta.name($1,$2),places),0)
on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
 if ($3 == !place) { 
   if ($readini(place.ini,price,$rpg.area($1,$2)) != $null) {
     if ($readini( $+ $rpg.data3.ini,DISTRICT,$rpg.area($1,$2)) != $null) {
       mta.say $1 PLACE $rpg.area($1,$2) - District/Street $rpg.district($1,$2) | mta.say $1 :: OWNER $readini(place.ini,owner,$rpg.area($1,$2)) - PRICE $chr(36) $+ $readini(place.ini,price,$rpg.area($1,$2)) ::
 else mta.say $1 :: DISTRICT/PLACE - $rpg.area($1,$2) :: | mta.say $1 :: STREET :: $rpg.District($1,$2) :: | mta.say $1 :: OWNER $readini(place.ini,owner,$rpg.area($1,$2)) - PRICE $chr(36) $+ $readini(place.ini,price,$rpg.area($1,$2)) ::
else {
 mta.say $1 :: PLACE/DISTRICT - $rpg.area($1,$2) :: STREET - $+ $rpg.district($1,$2) :: | mta.say $1 :: OWNER-Not-Buyable :: PRICE-Not-Buyable :: 

Thank you


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