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How do i connect?

Guest DynamiC

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Yeah how do i connect to a game? I have put in the server ip and press connect, but it does nothing... When i connect from ASE it just opens a new window of MTA and does nothing.. Plz help me!

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Im not sure what i should do.. What i have done is open gta.exe and start a new game, then go to the multi theft auto window and connect? Maybe you can explain me what i have to do to connect?

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uhh... serch the forums... there are tons of topics about it... but becouse im nice im gonna answer:

go to ASE and click on a server.

do the name thing.

press connect.

start a new game and wait till the cradits are rolling.

do alt+tab.

press "send game reqest".

get back to the game.

now theres the start of the game. choose diablos.

if there anent any players but a crowd of peaple on the roof do alt+tab.

do diconnect and then connect again.

get back to the game and players should be running arund and killing you.

MAN im nice.

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THAT!, will (hopfully) gonna be fixed in the next versions.*cough* as well as the EXITING orange-red led cuz its anoying. when i see red - i see thet my ping goes laggy and i need to restart for the connection to go well again, so make it green or something, or even sumthing like a lag-o-meter on the "out-game chat screen" *end of a really long cough*.

now i go to see a doktor about my terible coughing, hehe...

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