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Crackdown on Xbox 360 is a free roaming shooting/driving game, like GTA but is set in the Future and your character has super powers!

You upgrade your powers as you go along by collecting things such as agility orbs found on rooftops and hard to reach places that make you run faster and jump higher, you can do stunts, jump through specially place hoops and run enemies over in your car to gain driving skill and you can throw things into enemies or beat them up to grow stronger.

You can also get better at using weapons by shooting enemies and get better at using explosives by blowing them up.

But the best feature in my opinion is the option to play with a friend, or a random stranger while doing whatever you want, in the full game you can start a single player game and just play on your own and someone else can join you and you fight crime (or just mess around) together, unless you set it so only friends can join or only people you invite can join.

The graphics are cell shaded but don't look fully cartoony like XIII or The Legend Of Zelda Wind Waker, the cars have reflections on them and the textures are quite detailed rather than just coloured in with one colour.

The amount of vehicles and pedestrians on screen at once is a whole lot more than the current GTA titles, meaning driving on the pavement can be a spectacular display of many bodies flying in the air with ragdoll physics, without any slow down on the framerate (which sometimes happened if you hit around 10 bodies at once on Saints Row).

What I really like about this game is that it's so hard not to have fun, I recorded a session I had with a friend yesterday on the Demo (available on the market place) and even though we weren't doing much funny things, we were constantly laughing and just having fun. (


It comes out on Febuary 20th and it also comes with an invitation to the Halo 3 beta, which has sold it for many Halo fans, but I'm getting it for the game alone.

For more information (there's loads I've missed out about this game) look up a review on IGN or wherever else you prefer, if you have an Xbox 360 with Live (silver or gold, but need a gold account to play co op over Live) then I truely reccomend downloading the demo and giving it a try, it's a hefty 1.24 GB and quite a long download time with so many people downloading it, but hopefully it'll be worth the wait.

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What about the music ? (Relevant if it is a GTA clone)


Graphics reminds me of a mixture of Ultimate Spider man on PC, and the latest x-men game, "X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse", (had to look that title up

P.s. What about the voice actors ?

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  Bishop said:
What about the music ? (Relevant if it is a GTA clone)


Graphics reminds me of a mixture of Ultimate Spider man on PC, and the latest x-men game, "X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse", (had to look that title up

P.s. What about the voice actors ?

In the demo, there are only 10 songs, I personally think they all suck and I turn them off and either have it with no music or stream my own music from my PC (well, not my music, but what I like).

Voice acting is pretty good, while playing, you're given advice all the time about stuff, the guy who says all that stuff I think has a good voice and he often says funny things, but can get a little repetitive (in the demo, because he says stuff you've already heard the last time you played) so I sometimes turn the voice off too, peds talk to each other and to you like in GTA, I don't think you can respond to them though, I haven't really listened to the stuff they say but I've heard a few phrases that are pretty funny, the peds/enemies also swear but nowhere near as freaquent as in GTA.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This game is FUN as hell. I played the demo, thinking it would suck, but I got addicted. The demo time limit really sucks!! Can't wait until tuesday, I am definetaly going to buy this. The online Co-Op makes it worth it too. You can even play that in the demo, me and my friends have played it online countless times. I wonder though if they will have DM in multiplayer, or other modes like that. The Halo 3 beta just seals the deal too, because it will be worth playing that after CrackDown is old and beaten. But they have to finish it so we can play it first...

I do like the music, but only the Mexican Rap, their techno stuff kind of sucks, I want to know what it will be like in the real game though, beacuse I know there will be lots more Mexican Rap. :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

Ehh It's okay.

I have it, i've maxed all my stats out, and its not that great after you've done that. The co-op sucks, and after you beat all the bosses theres nothing to do but kill people.


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