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Help me. please.

Guest Fabrice

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k look at this.

on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{ 
var %a = $iif($4 == $null,$2,$iff($mta.getid($1,$4) == -1,$2,$mta.getid($1,$4))) 
if ($3 == !info) mta.text $1 MeanpantheR's Bank System 
elseif ($3 == !cash) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Cash: $mta.cash($1,%a) 
elseif ($3 == !bank) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's Bank: $mta.bank($1,%a) 
elseif ($3 == !bank+) { 
if ($mta.area($1,$2) == Bank && $mta.health($1,$2) > 0) { 
if ($mta.cash($1,$2) > 0) { 
if ($4 != $null) { 
if ($4 <= $mta.cash($1,$2)) { 
if ($4 isnum && $chr(46) !isin $4) { 
mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) put $4 into their bank! 
writeini MTAScript.ini Bank $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($mta.bank($1,$2) + $4) 
writeini MTAScript.ini Cash $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($mta.cash($1,$2) - $4) 
else mta.pm $1 $2 Error $4 must be numbers without points 
else mta.pm $1 $2 You don't have that much money on hand 
else { 
mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) put $mta.cash($1,$2) into their bank! 
writeini MTAScript.ini Bank $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($mta.bank($1,$2) + $mta.cash($1,$2)) 
writeini MTAScript.ini Cash $mta.nick($1,$2) 0 
else mta.pm $1 $2 You havn't got any money... 
else mta.pm $1 $2 To use a !bank command you must be at the bank 
elseif ($3 == !bank-) { 
if ($mta.area($1,$2) == Bank && $mta.health($1,$2) > 0) { 
if ($mta.bank($1,$2) > 0) { 
if ($4 != $null) { 
if ($4 <= $mta.bank($1,$2)) { 
if ($4 isnum && $chr(46) !isin $4) { 
mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) took $4 from their bank! 
writeini MTAScript.ini Cash $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($mta.cash($1,$2) + $4) 
writeini MTAScript.ini Bank $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($mta.bank($1,$2) - $4) 
else mta.pm $1 $2 Error $4 must be numbers without points 
else mta.pm $1 $2 You don't have that much money in the bank 
else { 
mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) took $mta.bank($1,$2) from their bank 
writeini MTAScript.ini Cash $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($mta.cash($1,$2) + $mta.bank($1,$2)) 
writeini MTAScript.ini Bank $mta.nick($1,$2) 0 
else mta.pm $1 $2 You havn't got any money... 
else mta.pm $1 $2 To use a !bank command you must be at the bank 
elseif ($3 == !give) { 
if ($2 != %a && $5 != $null) { 
if ($5 <= $mta.cash($1,$2)) { 
if ($5 isnum && $chr(46) !isin $5) { 
writeini MTAScript.ini Cash $mta.nick($1,%a) $calc($mta.cash($1,%a) + $5) 
writeini MTAScript.ini Cash $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($mta.cash($1,$2) - $5) 
mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) gave $mta.nick($1,%a) $5 
else mta.pm $1 $2 Error $5 must be numbers without points 
else mta.pm $1 $2 You don't have that much cash to give 
else mta.pm $1 $2 Synax: $3 

alias mta.cash { 
!return $iif($readini(MTAScript.ini,Cash,$mta.nick($1,$2)) == $null,0,$v1) 
alias mta.bank { 
!return $iif($readini(MTAScript.ini,Bank,$mta.nick($1,$2)) == $null,0,$v1) 


on *:SIGNAL:mta.join:{ 
if ($mta.bank($1,$2) == 0) { 
writeini MTAScript.ini Bank $mta.nick($1,$2) 2000 
mta.pm $1 $2 Welcome to the server. You now have $ $+ 2000 in your bank 
ifelse mta.pm $1 Welcome to the server. You have $mta.bank($1,$2) in your bank 

on *:SIGNAL:mta.part:{ 
writeini MTAScript.ini Cash $mta.nick($1,$2) 0 

on *:SIGNAL:mta.kill:{ 
if ($mta.cash($1,$2) > 0) { 
if ($2 != $3 && $mta.nick($1,$3) != Unknown) { 
writeini MTAScript.ini Cash $mta.nick($1,$3) $calc($mta.cash($1,$2) + $mta.cash($1,$3)) 
mta.pm $1 $3 You have gained $mta.cash($1,$2) for killing $mta.nick($1,$2) 
mta.pm $1 $2 You have lost $mta.cash($1,$2) because $mta.nick($1,$3) killed you! 
writeini MTAScript.ini Cash $mta.nick($1,$2) 0 
elseif ($2 == $3) { 
mta.pm $1 $2 You lost $mta.cash($1,$2) because you killed yourself 
writeini MTAScript.ini Cash $mta.nick($1,$2) 0 

well now. I know it ain't made for mta:SA but it does work pretty good on it.

it gives the 2000 cash when your new, !bank and !cash work.

but i only need bank or cash doesn't matter wich...

i've been oding alot of scripting last 3 days althought i'm a noobie (simple scripts huh ;)) but since its impossible to get cash if you win a DD map because the script can't see who's the winner ( I guess this is the problem)

. I was thinking if a script could see who are one the server and who died, then it would know who is left alive in the end since he didn't had a dead message. so I guess it could be possible to give cash to the winner but the script would be probably huge, and i'm not able to script somthing like that.

Further the anti flood script makes me mirc and server crash for some reason verry strange. script is made by lil toady. anyone knows fix ?

sorry for the long topic and bad english. i'am learing scripting but i'm far from understanding and creating good scripts, also i'm almust all day @ work and at night i usally don't have time since i study for english :wink:

I hope anyone can help me,

greetz Fabrice

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script is made by lil toady.


if ($3 == !info) mta.text $1 MeanpantheR's Bank System

muahahahahahah :P that's monopoly! everything here is mine! 8)

k, Fabrice, the cash system is made by MeanpantheR :D

i'm not about to look into it now as i don't script much for SA, maybe somebody else could help tho

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