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Newbie questions

Guest Junafani_FIN

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Hello. I just get my server up and running. But I have few questions:

1. Can I use some commands on server window? (Ex: /Say, /kick...)

2. I http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=15552 setuped this first on this computer and it works fine. All stats and other comes to screen. Then I installed it to my server computer and started it. But it does not want to show those best times, when I come end of the race. Why? Is it becouse I didnt upgrade it this time? (I try, but I comes end of the download and says something, that it cant open mtaguns.mrc (or something like that) row 907, and only way is cancel that upgrade proces.

3. When I download that packace, I get many fuctions what I dont need. I need only a function, that tells best times. Is it possible to get off those other functions? And it is possible to put those scripts to the server programn? Or did I need start that mIRC thing? I have always think, that mIRC is IRC-programn, not serverhelper thing.

Oh. I am from Finland so my english sucks.

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