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Freeze Camera on F11 or F2 (etc)

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Hello GTA Scripters...
I don't like the fact that I am asking a new question everyday that passes but I've tried to resolve this problem and I have had no luck (I did come close though)

When I press F11 to open Radar-Map, I can't drag or zoomin with my mouse because the map is in front of me but the Games Controls are still focused on the Player Camer.
I have tried to 

setCameraMatrix(Player, a, b, c, d, e, f)




setElementFrozen(the Player, true)

This froze my Player and Camera which is what I wanted but I still couldn't zoom in or scroll the map with my mouse... I feel like an amateur because it is almost the default setup on the MTA Servers to have a Map you can zoom in or add a waypoint to.

I can figure out how to zoom in / out on the map, my question right now is, how do I freeze camera when in Menu's (like a Custom Menu on F2) or Radar Map on F11?

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